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Topic: Recommendations for Smart, Fun Fiction

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Subject: Recommendations for Smart, Fun Fiction
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 12:49 PM ET
Member Since: 6/5/2006
Posts: 1
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I've sort of fallen out of reading fiction for a while because I couldn't find many that I like. Granted, that's partially because I'm very picky, but I'd like to get back into it and would love some suggestions.

To give you an idea, I usually like my prose simple and sweet -- I have a low tolerance for authors who like to show off their vocabulary or go on and on at the expense of the story.

I'm a big fan of Elmore Leonard, Thomas Harris (but Hannibal Rising was awful -- don't know what happened there), Nick Hornby, and Stephen King (though sometimes I like him more than others. There are also a bunch of authors I can't think of at the moment that I also like.

Any recommendations of novels/authors/etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

harmony85 avatar
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 4:13 PM ET
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Hi Robert!  Hmmm...I haven't read any of the authors you mentioned above except King.  But one series you might like to try is Aaron Fletcher's "Outback" series.  I really enjoyed it!  It's about a convict who comes to Australia, marries and Aborigine woman and starts a family and ranch.  I suppose it's like a family saga but IMO both men and women would enjoy this series:


Outback Station


Wallaby Track

Hope you like them if you decide to give them a try!  There might be another one or two in the series now I don't know about.

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 8/5/2007 3:06 PM ET
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I mostly read non-fiction and have little tolerance for fiction.  I like Thomas Harris but Steven King is too laborious for me.  One book I loved was The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and I also liked Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks. Also, anything by Tracy Kidder.  In my profile I have a list of recommended reads - you might want to check it out, although most are non-fiction.  If you come across anything you like, please report back!  I am always looking for good reads.

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Date Posted: 8/5/2007 8:20 PM ET
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Don't know how he compares to the other authors you've read, but have you read anything by Steve Martin (of Saturday Night Live fame)?  I have one of his books on my bookshelf,  The Pleasure of My Own Company, that's kind of dark humor with good comedic timing.  He writes without being flashy or writing for the sake of writing...he writes to tell a good story.  I haven't checked out any of his other books yet though i.e. Shopgirl.

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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 9:51 AM ET
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You might like Joe Hill, Stephen King's son.  His "Heart Shaped Box" was great.  I also just finished one by Ariana Franklin called "Mistress of the Art of Death."  It's kind of a medieval crime drama that was excellent. 

vprosser avatar
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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 5:47 PM ET
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Have you tried Tom Robbins?  I love his style...he wrote Jitterbug Perfume, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, and lots of other eccentric tales.  I've heard great things about Christopher Moore as well, but I haven't read him yet.  I have Lamb and Practical Demonkeeping on my TBR though.