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Topic: Red Dress Ink club ... any members here?

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vwbernie avatar
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Subject: Red Dress Ink club ... any members here?
Date Posted: 10/3/2007 11:15 PM ET
Member Since: 11/29/2005
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I have been a member of this club (through for over a year now. I have loved it! I get a book a month from Red Dress Ink for a bit of a discount from the big box stores. I have loved it as the book is always a new release and a fun surprise. I came home yesterday to a box of two books. One was my last (sob!) Red Dress Ink book from them and the other was a Carly Phillips book which was the start of another monthly club. The letter said they had decided to stop the RDI club and start another one. I was soooo sad!!! I was just wondering if there was any one else here effected by this.
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Date Posted: 10/4/2007 12:22 AM ET
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bummer..are they discontinuing the red dress ink books or just the club? I just 'discovered' these (and this whole genre) this past the time I 'discovered' the harlequin flipsides and duets they'd been discontinued..geez...

vwbernie avatar
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Date Posted: 10/4/2007 11:13 AM ET
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I think the publishing company is still in business but the club is over. I do find a lot of them on here if I just type in Red Dress Ink, so I guess I'll still be able to find them but I'll sure miss the club.

It does seem that as soon as we find something we like they stop making it or having it. *sigh* Sorry about the harlequin flipsides and duets. What are those, btw?

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Date Posted: 10/4/2007 2:12 PM ET
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what are some of your favorite red dress ink books?

the harlequin duets were funnier romance novels (some were pretty silly, light reading) 2 stories per book. the flipsides were single stories (short harleqins) that were silly and funny for the most part. I like romance and these were sorta youngish characters mostly and the really good ones IMO stayed 'silly'..found a couple that weren't entertaining to me though but like to read them of a funny romance before sleeping or when I dont feel like concentrating on anything!

vwbernie avatar
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Date Posted: 10/4/2007 10:31 PM ET
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Here are a few that I have loved. I really haven't read a bad one. These are my top ones so far though. A Minor Indiscretion (Red Dress Ink) :: Carol Matthews Lost Found (Red Dress Ink) :: Jane Sigaloff 21 Steps To Happiness (Red Dress Ink Novels) :: F. G. Gerson Like Mother, Like Daughter (Red Dress Ink) :: Jane Sigaloff Scot On The Rocks (Red Dress Ink Novels) :: Brenda Janowitz Monkey Business :: Sarah Mlynowski Girl's Guide To Witchcraft :: Mindy Klasky and Girls Night In :: Sophie Kinsella, Jen Weiner, Meg Cabot (got some great authors out of this one) I'll have to check out the harlequin duets. I love funny romance stories. I guess that is why I like the Red Dress Ink books. They always make me laugh and they seem to always have some romance in them.
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Date Posted: 10/5/2007 11:45 AM ET
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thanks! I just got 'scot on the rocks' so gonna give it a try! meg cabot is a favorite of mine...size 12 and size 14 are 2 of my favorite books!

katatonicstate avatar
Date Posted: 10/5/2007 5:34 PM ET
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Collette - I am...well, WAS...a member too! I was so bummed! I read through a little bit of the "contemporary romance" section on their site but it doesn't sound like something I'd like on a regualr basis. At least they sent a coupon for a discount if you order through the site. Still...I always looked forward to the RDI books on my porch. : (

vwbernie avatar
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Date Posted: 10/5/2007 6:10 PM ET
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Hey Susanna,

I have some of Meg's books in my tbr pile. I have heard great things but haven't read her yet. I'll try her soon. Thanks for the book titles. I don't have those two.


Hey Kat,

Yeah, I was so bummed! I guess its nice to know I'm not alone. So was the coupon a one time thing? I couldn't tell. If one could use it over and over again, its a pretty good deal. I'll have to read a bit more about it.

I think I'll get one month's worth since the books are less expensive and see what its about before quitting. I can't even find a Red Dress Ink site for the publishing company. I thought they might have lists of what is new out. Have you ever looked for one? I thought I had one at one time which is how I found out about the club but maybe I'm having dreams about that. lol

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Date Posted: 10/8/2007 12:29 AM ET
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I, too, love Red Dress Ink!  I'm a big fan of contemporary literature, and these are total no-brain reads - in a good way, of course!  I always grab whichever ones have been donated to the library sale or thrift store.

Collette, the Red Dress Ink site is a part of eharlequin:

My favorite author who I discovered via RDI is Melissa Senate (See Jane Date, The Solomon Sisters Wise Up). 

vwbernie avatar
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Date Posted: 10/8/2007 10:36 AM ET
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Hi Emily, Thanks for the link although that is who the club is through and also the people canceling the club. I was hoping that the RDI would have their own link I guess. But I guess they don't. I have See Jane Date in my tbr pile. :) Glad to hear its good.
katatonicstate avatar
Date Posted: 10/11/2007 6:57 PM ET
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I agree - I wish Red Dress Ink would split and make their own website. And I wish they'd keep up the book club too. I always paid MY bills, LOL

I just re-read the coupon and I have no idea if it's a one time discount or if you can use it multiple times before 12/31/07. If I try it, I'll let you know!


loveangel avatar
Date Posted: 10/15/2007 4:35 PM ET
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I wanted to get in the RDI club but I was to late. I love these books they are the best. Now I just get them from here, there isn't as many of them here as I thought there would be so I put a lot of them on my wish list.  Does anyone have The Night I got Lucky by Laura Caldwell? I have looked every where for this book. How was this book?

Well happy reading everyone, .       

