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Topic: Renaissance Faires

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pelette avatar
Subject: Renaissance Faires
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 8:51 PM ET
Member Since: 6/24/2007
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Do any of you do the Renaissance Faire thing?  I'm finally going to one this weekend.  I was reading a bunch of posts on some of the websites and it seems there are a lot of etiquette rules, etc. among the hardcores.  Any tips, suggestions, likes, dislikes?  Are they just hokey? 

Doughgirl avatar
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 10:40 PM ET
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Well, the one here in Minnesota certainly isn't hokey.  It's very popular.    I've never dressed up to attend, but I know people who do.  In fact, there is a PBS member who is a member of the cast at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival.   She posted a link to some pics in a post on the Club Members Thoughts board.


lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 11:20 PM ET
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Lynne, I lived in Mn for 25 years and never got to go.  Pout.  My last autumn  in Mn my friend got married there, in full dress and everything; unfortunately my cousin got married in town that same weekend and I ended up having to go to that instead.  Would love to go someday!

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Date Posted: 10/5/2007 6:56 AM ET
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Last Edited on: 12/12/08 6:42 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
FeliciaJ avatar
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Date Posted: 10/5/2007 2:08 PM ET
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I have visited the Colorado Renaissance Festival in Larkspur several times (in normal dress). I enjoy it, but I think it would get old if I went every year. I always visit every few years.

Be sure to bring a lot of disposable cash. There are many wonderful things to buy.

mimima avatar
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Date Posted: 10/5/2007 7:39 PM ET
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Way back when, I used to go to the Northern California one (it has since moved) and liked it. I've not recenlty, but have been getting Renaissance magazine and have been thinking of going next year.

pelette avatar
Date Posted: 10/6/2007 6:41 AM ET
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Thanks for the input.  This one is in Fishers, IN, just north of Indy.   Hubby has agreed to go as long as he can buy a codpiece.  Boys!

Heloise avatar
Date Posted: 10/9/2007 11:52 PM ET
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I attend the one in Kansas City every year.  I recommend you go in normal dress and just enjoy yourself.  I enjoy the different types of food, drink and shopping.  Our fair has great pottery and jewelry.  And as someone said, some of the participants who dress up and play a part are very hardcore.  I also find it interesting that most participants at our Ren Fest try and speak with a British accent.  My husband is a real live Brit and every time we attend they assume he's putting on an accent and he has to assure them it is for real. 

jobun avatar
Date Posted: 10/11/2007 9:21 AM ET
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I only went once to the Sterling Forest one in NY. I dressed in normal clothes but I really liked the atmosphere and all that. My DH isn't into stuff like that so we didn't do a lot of things that I would have been interested in doing. I did do some archery and we went through the medival weapons tour, which was cool. He didn't want to eat any of the meats on sticks or anything though.

I enjoyed it and I'd like to be able to go back and do it again.

JeffersonsAmbrosia avatar
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Date Posted: 10/20/2007 1:40 AM ET
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Ooooo i missed this thread darn darn.. Hi I am the Castie type :) Lynne pointed the link to. If you want to go in plain clothes. go in plain clothes. If you want to go in dress go in dress. No one will pick you apart your a patron. We never pick patrons apart. and let me say while yes i have noticed some..EEEEP not historical dresses.. I never say anything to the like. because the point of a renn faire is supposed to be FUN! Key word. Now..if you go to work at one..expect to be picked at, lol although even some of those who work there dont have te most historical peices. So..its allll about the FUN! Ah...I miss Fest
Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 10/20/2007 2:42 PM ET
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I've been ot Scarborough Faire south of Dallas several times, but DH hates it!  He's a former cop, and trained to notice anything that deviates from the norm, and there is no norm there!  

I'd say just go and have fun!   There are very few costumes that are historically accurate, and most are a blend of history and fantasy.  If I dress up at all, I just wear a long crinkle skirt and a tank top, with whatever funky jewelry or accessories I'm in the mood for that day.

feffer7 avatar
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Date Posted: 10/25/2007 10:16 AM ET
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I'm sorry I missed this post, too! There's a great Rennfest in Crownsville, MD every Fall - runs for 9 weeks plus Labor Day. Could only go once this year as my 6 month old didn't enjoy the crowd as much as I had hoped, but I highly recommend to anyone planning to visit the Baltimore-Washington-Annapolis area from the end of Aug thru mid-Oct. Feel free to go as is - but I see plenty of kids dressed up as everything from pirates to knights to princesses, and they have a ball! My 9-yr-old starts asking in January how long til the next Rennfest!! 

disneypsycho avatar
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Date Posted: 11/2/2007 2:02 PM ET
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I go to Renaissance Faires wherever I can.  When I lived in Oklahoma I went to the annual one at OU every year.  Now that I'm in Florida there will be one next month in Sarasota and I'm definitely attending.  I've only dressed up once, and that was because a friend let me borrow her garb.  I really hope to get my own dress made one day.  It's amazing how different the experience is when you dress up and when you don't.

vix avatar
Date Posted: 11/9/2007 11:53 AM ET
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I love Ren faires!  I go to the one in Stirling Forest, NY at least once every summer.  I always have a great time, although I do have to say that it's not as great as the one in Minnesota.  I miss that one!