"I loved being asked 2,000 questions a day, storyboarding every move, knowing as though by instinct exactly where the camera had to be, because it was my story.""If you're doing well, you're a target, nobody's interested in you except how you can be of use to them.""It's well known that actors are lousy writers.""Swaziland is a small part of south-east Africa, the last country in the continent to gain its independence.""When an actor asks you to read his script, your heart sinks. The number of scripts I've been given by actors that are so unbelievably terrible!""You finish a movie and you think, there, you've done it, really well, or best you can. But if you watch it, you see it was just bollocks.""You have to look at the discrepancy between what you hoped and imagined and the reality of yourself and all your shortcomings."
Saraband of Lost Time (1985) Nominated Philip K. Dick Award-Science Fiction
Rumors of Spring (1986)-Fantasy
Views from the Oldest House (1989)-Fantasy
Through the Heart (1991) Winner Philip K. Dick Award-Fantasy
Tex and Molly in the Afterlife (1996)-Fiction
In the Land of Winter (1997)-Fiction
Kaspian Lost (1999)
Another Green World (2006)
"Drode's Equations" (1981), a short story that appeared in New Dimensions 12 and is available in the science fiction anthology The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF, edited by David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer (1994)