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Topic: Roots by Alex Haley - Read-along

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mahbaar avatar
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Subject: Roots by Alex Haley - Read-along
Date Posted: 6/7/2007 10:58 AM ET
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I'm looking to start a reading group for Roots by Alex Haley. I just finished Gone With the Wind with another reading group, and it really helped to get through such a long book by having a group to read it with.

Please respond here if you're interested. We can set up a start date and give folks time to acquire the book if necessary.


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Date Posted: 6/7/2007 12:06 PM ET
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I read this book years ago but I would love to read it again with a group. It is one of those books that stick with you long after you've finished it. Can I join?

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 6/7/2007 3:32 PM ET
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Holly, you're welcome to join! Do you have a copy of the book, or will you need to acquire it? Also, when are you interested in starting? I was thinking about mid-August, but I'm flexible.

Raineth avatar
Date Posted: 6/7/2007 7:49 PM ET
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I'd like to join! My local library has several copies, so I can start whenever is most convenient for everyone else.

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Date Posted: 6/8/2007 1:00 PM ET
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I have a copy and am flexible, August sounds good if that works for everyone.

ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 6/9/2007 4:36 PM ET
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I've read Roots, but I really like the idea of doing a read-along. I think it sounds like fun. If everyone enjoys doing Roots, maybe we could choose a few books and vote for one to read in September or October.

CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 6/10/2007 5:53 PM ET
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I'd love to hear more about how this works Jane - but count me in.  I don't have the book but will have if you don't start it until August.  Let me know please.  : )

reader avatar
Date Posted: 6/10/2007 6:42 PM ET
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Valli: That sounds like a good idea.

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 6/12/2007 10:34 PM ET
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Sorry about the delay (I was on travel for work), here's the idea:

We set target dates and "stoppping" points where we discuss the book up to that point. Say for week 1 we decide to read chapters 1-5, and then discuss them on a separate thread. Then target another date for the next chapters, and so on. I'm thinking of taking about 2 months for discussion (taking 4 breaks in the 750-page book.

How does a start date of August 20th or so sound to you? (I'll have limited computer access for the first half of August.) And does anyone have suggestions for break points in this book? Perhaps one of you who has already read it could scan through and pick a few points where it would be good to discuss the sections?

CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 6/12/2007 11:46 PM ET
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I haven't read it but was wondering if we could do it along generations of the Haley family?  I have NO idea if that would work or not - mid August works for me - I still have to get the book

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 6/13/2007 10:55 AM ET
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I was thinking generation by generation as well... But the problem might be the crossover points. Does the book transfer to the next generation after the children have grown and are separated from their parents? If so, that might work. I'd still like some chapter breaks in advance, if I can get them. I still have to do some digging.

Unless I hear objections, we'll start the read-along on Sunday, August 19th, reading the first generation. (Hopefully, more details to come.) Start acquiring the book now if you do not already have it!

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Date Posted: 6/13/2007 2:03 PM ET
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 I have never had anyone to discuss this book with because I've never known anyone else who read it. I look forward to discussing it with all of you.
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Date Posted: 6/14/2007 10:40 AM ET
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Jane - I think this is a great idea:)  Count me in and August 19th sounds perfect.  We're already back from vacation and have kids back at school at that point.  I've been wanting to read this for years and I'm so glad to get the motivation to do so:)

CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 6/16/2007 1:29 AM ET
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I ordered my copy of Roots yesterday.   I think this is going to be great!

tangiemoff avatar
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Date Posted: 6/17/2007 7:55 AM ET
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Count me in! I've never read it  but I did see the movie when I was a kid. I'll order my copy now so I'll have it in time.

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 6/20/2007 4:42 PM ET
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Looking over some info about the book, it covers 6 generations. If we read one generation per week, that would make a 6-week discussion. How does that sound to you? Too long? Too short?

ETA: FYI, for those interested. There is a 30th anniversary edition that was just released last month for anyone who is interested. I think it only has a 16-page commentary for supplement, though. I may get it since I'm "leading" the group. :)

Last Edited on: 6/20/07 4:51 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Emerald avatar
Date Posted: 6/21/2007 12:44 AM ET
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Sounds good to me

Sheyen avatar
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Date Posted: 6/24/2007 11:19 PM ET
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Can you add me to the group? I dont have the book, but I am sure can find it somewhere,  I read it once in my teens and it is a fave of mine,

tangiemoff avatar
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Date Posted: 6/25/2007 7:12 AM ET
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I just found a copy of the book @ the library book sale so I'm all set!

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 6/25/2007 10:21 AM ET
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Stacie, You're welcome to join us! You've got plenty of time to order the book through PBS, if you like. Last I saw there were 9 copies posted in the system.

MsScarlett avatar
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Date Posted: 6/25/2007 4:11 PM ET
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I would like to try to read this as well.  :)

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 7/3/2007 1:44 PM ET
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UPDATE: I mentioned our read-along to a friend, and she said she'd read Roots twice, and would be happy to go through my copy and recommend some stopping points. YAY!

So once I get it back from her, I'll post a reading schedule here.

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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 2:45 AM ET
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I would be interested in joining.  I think I have an Alex Haley book, but it may be Queen.  I'll have to get Roots, but I'm sure I'll be able to find a copy before the starting time.


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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 7:02 PM ET
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Ooh, count me in!  I've always wanted to read Roots, and I've never done a read-along or book club before.  I already have my copy, and I'm sure I'll be done Harry Potter by then! :) 

"See" you all in August.

Luluette avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 10:01 AM ET
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If it isn't too late, can I join in?

I have an ancient copy on my keeper shelf that I had when I was in high school...I got it when the TV miniseries first came out! I've been meaning for some time to re-read it...this will give me the opportunity!
