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Topic: Rosie & Kelli O'Donnell's family cruise

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checkingmypulse avatar
Subject: Rosie & Kelli O'Donnell's family cruise
Date Posted: 7/9/2007 9:44 AM ET
Member Since: 1/11/2006
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I just watched the documentary on this - has anyone else seen it?  I want to go!  It was so nice to see such diverse families feeling comfortable and safe and having fun.  I wish they hadn't spent so much time on the issues and protesting in the Bahamas though.

Whirlgirl avatar
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Date Posted: 7/9/2007 3:34 PM ET
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I saw that.  I think it was filmed a while ago.  I know a few people who have gone on some of her cruises...they said they were great.

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 7/11/2007 5:53 AM ET
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I think it would be a blast!

checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 7/11/2007 9:16 AM ET
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L - let's go!

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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 10:25 AM ET
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oooh, I've always wanted to go on a cruise.  I'm thinking it might be easier once J'Shawn in potty trained though!

VeganFreak avatar
Date Posted: 7/11/2007 6:38 PM ET
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I just watched that movie and I cried so much I have a headache. Happy tears, sad tears, angry tears.

I'm exhausted, how do you guys deal with so much B.S. everyday?

FortunesOne avatar
Date Posted: 7/11/2007 10:16 PM ET
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It was so great. I saw it tonight. I cried so many times. (= So nice to see such happy families. Do they allow straight couples as well? I would have thought it would be more diverse with the families. I would love to go on a cruise like that. I felt so bad when they were in the Bahamas with the protesters. They delt with it pretty well though and even used it as a learning/teaching experience for the kids. People can be so mean and rude though. Great show....very moving.

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Date Posted: 7/12/2007 4:49 PM ET
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We've looked into it, but its REALLY expensive.  They have been leaving out to NY, so we have to pay for airfare in addition to the actual cruise.  One of these day....

I saw the video twice.  I  especially like the two couples that met at one of the parenting seminar and were going to consider getting together to discuss a possible parenting arrangement.  What a hoot! 

Then of course I cried my eyes out when that couple's pregnancy test came back negative.  I could really relate to that one!

How about the Dads whose daughter was away at college, and they could see her all the time. 

Okay got to stop because I'm going to cry now!


checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 7/13/2007 9:54 AM ET
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The two fathers with the daughter about to go to college definitely got me!  I've seen that family on MTV "True Life - I have gay parents" and that show focused more on the daughter (whose name I can't remember).

I cried a lot during the show as well.  The scene with the 2 men and their son in the jewelry store... The happiness of being able to hold your partners hand in public and not have people look at your family...

There were straight family members aboard.  I loved the two weddings that were performed, I think they hit close to home since we have our ceremony coming up so soon.

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Date Posted: 7/16/2007 9:58 PM ET
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On Rosie O'Donnell's blog there are pics, comments, video blogs etc  from the cruise that was just last week.   I also watched the Documentary about the cruise it was very touching.

~~~~~ jeannie

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 7/21/2007 1:09 AM ET
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Ok, I finally saw the documentary today.  I was bawling my head off during the wedding scenes, the protest scenes, and the scene where Hope's Dads talk about her going away to college.  This film needs to be seen by anyone who doesn't support gay marriage or gay parenting.

checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 7/21/2007 7:19 AM ET
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THANK YOU, L!  I totally agree!!!!! 


vprosser avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 9:12 AM ET
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I haven't seen it (yet), but it sounds like a great documentary.  I agree with L, people who don't support gay rights really need to get their eyes opened somehow.  However, I think just the fact that Rosie's name is attached with it might turn people off.  She is such a hot-button person right now.  I think if someone like Ellen DeGeneres did something like that, it would be much more well received.