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By: Barbara P. (gotchagal) - ,   + 19 more  
Date Submitted: 5/7/2010
Last Updated: 5/7/2010
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 747

  I admire your good rugged face
across the table from me
at breakfast at Cindy's
Your blue eyes are warm,
showing obvious pleasure
in being with me.

I like the height of you,
the breadth of you
and your intelligence.
At the moment I am hopeful,
but the time is young yet.
Give me enough of it
and I'll find something
to cool my

By 3:00 I am
beginning to store up
your taste in music,
judged by the tapes
in your car,
the too many martinis
you consumed too early
and in place of lunch,
your open and obvious
dislike of Jimmy Carter
who I don't even
care enough about
to defend.

Our second date
brought additions
to my list
I am seeking faults,
cataloging them.
Despite what you say,
you are too rigid,
too sure
that you have
all the answers.
You are too conservative,
you are too old,
you are also

My fault-finding mission
is now finished.
Once again,
I am successful
in destroying the

Barbara Gregory (Pearlman)
c. 1981

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Barbara P. (gotchagal) - ,

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Comments 1 to 3 of 3
Debbie C. - 5/8/2010 1:22 PM ET
Hi Barbara, I liked this one. Had to chuckle at the end. How true. Debbie C
Marta J. (booksnob) - 5/8/2010 6:14 PM ET
Welcome back, friend! I'm so glad you've submitted more poetry. I love all four pieces. This one really hits a nerve. I too have been an active participant in possibility sabotage at various times in my life! Will message you soon. Marta
Holly S. (sorcha-vampire) - 5/18/2010 12:54 PM ET
This is certainly wonderful. Keep writing.
Comments 1 to 3 of 3