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Topic: Safe Harbor by Christine Feehan (Discussion/Possible Spoilers)

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Subject: Safe Harbor by Christine Feehan (Discussion/Possible Spoilers)
Date Posted: 7/8/2007 6:14 PM ET
Member Since: 8/22/2005
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Has anyone read this yet and want to discuss? It's book 5 in the Drake Sisters series.  Here's an overview from Amazon:

From Publishers Weekly
Feehan kicks off episode five of her popular Drake Sisters series—concerning a septet of paranormally gifted sibs—with everything her fans have come to expect: action, gunplay, danger, bad guys, good guys, gorgeous women and magic. All that's missing are her spicy love scenes; those come later, and their promise is enough to keep pages turning. On top of that promise, however, is the intriguing mystery of the supermodel slasher, who attacks shy-but-smoldering Hannah, one of the sisters, at New York's annual Fashion Week. Hunky Sheriff Jonas Harrington, a longtime family friend, is fresh from a life-threatening encounter with the Russian mob when he witnesses, on live TV, Hannah getting cut down by a madman with a knife. After the sisters rush to her side, saving her with their combined powers, Jonas vows to hunt down the assailant—but his unrequited love for Hannah complicates matters. This winning series entry is sure to please devotees and shouldn't provide much difficulty for curious newbies. (July)

BookJo avatar
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Date Posted: 7/8/2007 6:23 PM ET
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For myself, I like the concept of the Drake sisters storylines, although some of the books have been a little weak.  I enjoyed this one. It wasn't great, but decent.  Probably 3, maybe 3-1/2, stars out of 5.  The story line was rather repetetive and had LOTS of  extra characters, subplots. In fact some of the secondary characters were more interesting than the main ones.

The parts of this book setting foundation for the next (Joley) were pretty intriguing.

What did everyone else think?

Last Edited on: 7/8/07 6:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
needin2read avatar
Date Posted: 7/10/2007 4:47 PM ET
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I had read Oceans of Fire and liked that one pretty well.  This was the only other one in that series I've read and I loved it.  I had enough background from Oceans to understand all the information.  If a reader hadn't previously read one in the series, I think the number of character and side stories would be a bit tedious.  Safe Harbor had me crying within the first thirty minutes and I cried a couple times more--it was so moving.  I'm not actively seeking out the other books in the series yet, but will pick one up if I find a good deal on it.  My TBR is WAY too big right now.  But I do recommend this book.

norma6448 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 8:26 AM ET
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I was a little disappointed by this book.  I really liked Jonas and thought he would get a better book.  Always thought Hannah was a bit of a piece of fluff. 

Can't wait for Joley & Elle. 

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Date Posted: 7/14/2007 8:19 AM ET
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Was it just me or was this book just a tiny bit cheezy? I did get tired of Hannah being convienced she was not "beautiful". But it was Ok , just not up to my expectations.  Then again, maybe I'm tired of Feehan's work. I didn't like her Christmas Carpathian story either but I've been totally nuts for most of her other dark hunter and Drake sister books..

Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 7/20/2007 8:20 PM ET
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I admit that the whole "I'm a supermodel but I just don't feel pretty!" thing was a bit much.  It seemed like the premise for the attack was pretty weak too. 

I am looking forward to Joley and Elle's stories though.  They just seem like more flavorful characters.

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Date Posted: 8/13/2007 9:13 AM ET
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I was VERY disappointed in this book.  I have been anticipating the book's release. Jonas and Hannah were my favorite characters.  There was a lot of fun and playfullness in their relationship. You knew that they belonged together and couldn't wait for them to find out.  You anticapated Jonas finding out about her shyness and panic attacks. You wanted Hannah to find out that he called her "Barbie Doll" because he loved her. Kind of like a little boy picking on his sweetheart so she won't know that he llikes her. But in this book about their characters, it opens with them already knowing everything.  It was anticlimatic.  Jonas was always a good guy and Hannah seemed to be his perfect mate.  I really expected more from their characters.  In this book, Jonas felt sorry for himself too much because he couldfn't have Hannah and was really obessed with SEX.  Sex is ok but it is not the be all and end all in the world.  Hannah was a really weak character and really "Poor little me".  Rather sickening. 

Their characters in the other books were really good, and were strong characters.  I  really hope that the next 2 books are better.  It is like expecting a really good juicy T-Bone and getting a dried out burger. Yuck!!!!
