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Topic: Scrapbooking

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Subject: Scrapbooking
Date Posted: 6/1/2007 4:17 PM ET
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Hello all the fellow scrapbookers.  I have recently started my first book (well.. I've done about 20 pages so far) and I LOVE it.  It's my addiction and I try to scrapbook anytime I can.  Anyone else?  Can anyone recommend really good idea books/websites for a newbie or someone who just wants different ideas.  I like my pages to not be to "cluttered" I guess I go for the minimlistic look.  I will never win an award for my pages, but I like them anyway  :o)

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Date Posted: 6/1/2007 5:57 PM ET
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I love scrapbooking too!  But I haven't looked at or gotten any books about it here.  I am sure there are plenty.  What type of scrapbook did you choose for your fist one?  By that, I mean what is it about?    I'm a clutter page person myself, when it comes to scrapbooks.  I'm not interested in awards, just in pleasing myself.  lol

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Date Posted: 6/3/2007 8:28 PM ET
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I just started scrapbooking last year. Now I have half a closet dedicated to creativity! 

The best place I have found for simple style is Simple Scrapbooks.  They have a magazine, website, and numerous books.  The Big Picture by Stacy Julian and Clean and Simple Scrapbooking by Cathy Zielske are two of my favorites.  They also have a book called Scrapbooking Made Easy.  It is a big book full of all kinds of ideas and ways to get started.  If you are new to scrapbooking I would definitely recommend getting that book.  I found mine copy on ebay for just a few dollars.  There isn't much here yet for scrapbooking but hopefully soon there will be!  Enjoy!

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Date Posted: 6/4/2007 7:45 PM ET
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My first one is a mishmash of different things.  I have my son, my neice, my mom and sister, my boyfriend's and my trip to a cabin for the weekend, the beach.  Everything and anything!  Is that what you meant? 

My idea of a great page is when someone wants to touch it LOL.  Which people are pretty good about.  I got some 3-d candy for a Halloween page and everyone touchs it whenever they see that page.

I will have to check out those book Renae.  If my apartment was big enough I would have a room dedicated to scrapbooking, but I just have a little corner  :o)

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Date Posted: 6/9/2007 12:38 AM ET
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I started scrapbooking last year after a trip to the black hills of south dakota.  It was the "only" thing I was going to scrapbook - famous last words.  I am hooked.  I even visited stores in Colorado while in Boulder for a funeral and in Va. Beach and Williamsburg while on vacation last week.  My style tends to be more simple b/c I want the focus on the pics and I hate to journal.

I love the creating keepsakes books and go over them again and again.  Hobby Lobby puts out a quarterly magazine that is pretty cheap - I think 1.99 - that is nice.  The scrapbook catalogs are great for ideas.  I get ones from oriental trading and from current and another one that I can't remember. 

I joined a monthly kit club  I love it b/c it is reasonably priced and I don't feel like everyone is trying to outdo each other.  They have galleries and sketches and all kinds of idea sharing.  I love the monthly challenges that they post b/c it gets me out of my comfort zone.  The kit actually has 4 separate kits in it each month rather than just a bunch of paper and embellishments that all match.  I feel like I get more for my money and with the idea cards with explicit directions I feel like it is a class in a box.  There are others out there, but I just thought this was the best value.

I found that going to crops or even just taken my stuff to the local scrapbook store helps b/c everyone shares ideas.

I don't suppose you live anywhere close to nebraska/south dakota/iowa????  I'm always looking for more scrapping buddies!



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Date Posted: 6/13/2007 1:40 PM ET
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Unfortunatly I do not live close to you my "twin" :o)  I'm all the way in New Hampshire.  I went to my first crop a few weeks ago.  It was ALL day but it was so much fun!  I got some great ideas and got a chance to see how some products work and just met some really nice people. 

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Date Posted: 6/14/2007 12:39 AM ET
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Date Posted: 6/21/2007 4:40 PM ET
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OMGosh I am a scrapbooking addict! I am also a Stampin' Up demonstrator, so I get alot of my ideas from there.  It's too bad that their idea book/catalogs don't have an isbn number because they have tons of great ideas.  ANyhow, I also love the books put out by Creating Keepsakes, and totally second the above poster who mentions Becky Higgins "Sketches" mag.  It is awesome!

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Date Posted: 6/21/2007 11:16 PM ET
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If you want a website that has all types of pages and tons of ideas - go to  Love that site!

Dove avatar
Date Posted: 6/23/2007 1:24 AM ET
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I love scrapbooking, too! Right now I am working on a "lifetime" book for my son. This book is covering from birth to age 21. I am doing 4 pages (2 double layouts) per year. I find it is a real challenge to cover a year in just those few pages! It's even hard to pick the pictures because I want to include relatives and his best "buds". Colleen
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Date Posted: 6/23/2007 12:41 PM ET
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Try -  a very comprensive website designed for anyone who scrapbooks, from beginners to pros.  I would also recommend picking up a couple scrapbooking magazines for ideas plus technique tips.  The ones that I like are Simple Scrapbooks and Creating Keepsakes.  Both can be found at most bookstores or craft stores (like Michael's).  I also belong to a kit club, where, for a monthly fee, they send you papers and embellishments.  This helps me keep up on the latest trends in scrapbooking.  The one I am a member of is called The Scrapbook Site, but there are hunderds of others. 

lisaofva avatar
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Date Posted: 6/26/2007 8:37 AM ET
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I like scrapbooking, but rarely have the time with my other hobby--dollhouse miniatures, which if you do small scenes & vignettes, is 3-d scrapbooking. lol!

I have created a miniature scrapbook store also--Minnie's lil scrapbook store in a roombox--and everything in it was hand cut or resized, including the miniature layouts on the corkboard in the roombox. the link is :

I have a couple of scrapbooks that are not yet finished, but myself, I prefer the smaller ones with a central theme. I really have to have alot to journal and record for it to be a large album.


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Date Posted: 6/26/2007 9:04 AM ET
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My style tends to be a little more streamlined, too.  I just finished a 90 page book of the vacation my 8 yo daughter and I took to Virginia - Williamsburg, Yorktown, Jamestown and Va. Beach.  I think it's one of the better things I've done but I really put a lot of thought into it and tried to match the paper to the mood and the places and the pics.  I try to keep the clutter on my pages to a minimum - try to avoid sticker sneeze - but still add the stuff that makes sense.  I know what you mean about pages that make people want to touch them.  When my MIL looked at my book, there were so many pages that she ran her fingers over the page protector.  I want my pages to draw you into them.  I'll probably never win an award or get published, but it's still fun.

I am a definite addict and would scrap every moment I could.  I haven't had time for creative things for quite a while in my life - too busy being a mom - so now the creativity wants to run wild.

I subscribe to scrapbooks etc, creating keepsakes, making memories and simple scrapbooks.  I love the range of ideas that all of them cover and love becky higgins sketches.  Her two sketchbooks are great.  I just got the new book about new uses for scrapbook supplies and the autumn leaves clear stamps idea book and they are both great.  I'm starting to get into stamping, but primarily the acrylics and I want stuff I can use more than once to justify the investment.

A friend and I are going to Scrapfest at the Mall of america in Minneapolis in September.  Is any one else going???  I've heard that it's lots of fun.  I'm also going to a scrapbook expo in sioux city in October.  I went last year and really enjoyed myself.  I've gone to a few crops at the local scrapbook store and get lots done and lots of new ideas.  My friend and I are trying to figure out a way to hold a biweekly crop time in our little town.  We're thinking about using her church meeting area and charging a $5 donation to the church for each person who wants to come in the evening.


Dove avatar
Date Posted: 6/27/2007 1:09 AM ET
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Lisa! Your link roped me in. I not only looked at the scrapbook store but also 2 of the homes. I loved what you are doing! Colleen
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Date Posted: 6/28/2007 5:59 PM ET
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That would be a tough challenge and would make it difficult to choose only enough pics for 4 pages.  Are you doing another book for him/yourself with the rest of the pics?   I just did an 8x8 a-z album of my 2 kids.  The first page for the letter A was the A-team since their names are Abigail and Andrew then each 2 page spread had one child on each page for the next letters of the alphabet (bc, de, fg, etc.)  It was a lot of fun to go through the books to find pics for each theme.  I did X-games for the letter x and included pics of my son doing some of his better more dangerous stunts.  The last page was z and I had a pic of each of them sleeping in their high chair during supper.



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Date Posted: 6/28/2007 11:45 PM ET
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I think it is much easier to scrapbook right at the time - in the moment. My son is turning 29 and it's hard to go back and recreate some of the years - especially the middle years, or the teen years where he was mostly invisible (out with friends). My next album is at the request of my youngest son who will be 21 next week. At least some of his life to age 21 is more recent. LOL Then I want to do an album of my folks who are both deceased. So, for the foreseeable future I will be working on lifetime albums. I haven't made any plans past that - it seems too far away. LOL I really like the A-Z albums combining the kids. I am sure that will be a treasured album! It sounds really cute! Colleen
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Date Posted: 7/2/2007 8:45 PM ET
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I love scrapbooking also..mostly Creating Keepsakes and Simple Scrapbooks for idea books and magzines.  And the website TwoPeasin a bucket.  I recently posted a Simple Scrapbooks big idea book called ideas and Techniques...really good if anyone is interested....

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Date Posted: 7/3/2007 9:24 AM ET
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I love the creating keepsake and simple scrapbooks magazines and idea books.  I also get scrapbooks etc. and making memories.  Not quite as good, but I know that if I didn't subscribe, I'd buy them at the store and end up paying more money that way  LOL.  My daughter just found a lizzie mcguire scrapbook idea book at a goodwill and she is thrilled with it.  Don't know if she'll let me borrow. also has a great idea gallery and members gallery.  I like it because it is by real people who are making pages rather than people who are making pages to try to get them published.  I just finished a 90 page album of my trip to Williamsburg,Jamestown, Yorktown and Va. Beach.  Lot of work, but it was fun.  I worked on my 13 yo son's album last night and am almost done with his 1st b-day. 


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Date Posted: 7/3/2007 6:58 PM ET
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Wow Michelle! You are a hard worker! Colleen
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Date Posted: 7/4/2007 2:58 PM ET
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Hi all!!!  I just found these forums. I cant believe it! Lol

ANYWAY, I LOVE scrapbooking and I am still learning LOTS! I have been doing for a few years now. I think my style and likes keep changing all the time. With things I learn, see buy do!!!!!  I just recently signed up to seel Close To My HEart too! I love their stuff. I am addicted to them now to! lol I have LOTS of trouble color THEY do it for me! THey have all kinds of stuff that goes together, so I can not mess it up! lol  I always seemed to be asking "Does this look ok?" Does this GO together.

I LOVE SImple Sb mag, I also get sb, ETC and got a gift sub to ck mag now to. I will be going to the CKC in Valley Forge, PA at the end of the month to. NOT taking any classes, just going to check it out!!!

AND since we all LOVE to read...DID anyone mention the sb series?!?  She started with a teashop mystery, now has a sb one out. There think 4 books out now. I love them! THey are quick and light to read and based on a sb owner and her store and also come with tips too!!! AUTHOR is Laura Childs. 

OK....I will check back here. Hope you all had a great 4th of july and took lots of pics to sb!!! lol


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Date Posted: 7/4/2007 11:36 PM ET
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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE scrapbooking and cardmaking.  You could say I'm obsessed.  I have TONS of stuff.  I just got a Cricut for Mother's day and I've already collected 12 cartridges for it and am planning to buy number 13 soon.  :)  I hang out at the Cricut message boards alot.  Great ideas and inspiration there.  And a great bunch of gals too!  :)

Dove avatar
Date Posted: 7/5/2007 11:06 PM ET
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Congratulations Nicole on your new Cricut AND all those dies! What a wonderful gift to receive. Colleen
azmom23 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/8/2007 1:27 PM ET
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Hi all!  I love scrapping, but I can never find the time!  I am still trying to work on baby books (birth to 1) for each of my kids!  I also like to look on Ebay in premade scrapbook pages for ideas and I laugh at what they go for.  We saw one go for $872!!!!  that was 2 12x12 pages!


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Date Posted: 7/8/2007 6:49 PM ET
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I can't believe anyone would pay that much for premade pages!!!!  Some people are so ridiculous.  I'm working on books for my kids too.  Andrew, who is 13, has his book done through his 1st b-day and Abigail who is 9 is done through about 5 months.  However, I did just finish a 90 page scrapbook of my vacation to Virginia this year, so I don't feel too bad.  Plus I'm always working on gift books, other travel books, and other assorted projects.I just did a 6x6 baby album board book (it took half a nascar race) last night. 

Does anyone belong to any scrapbooking kit clubs? I belong to and absolutely love it.  I get so many ideas from there and chats with friends in addition to the great kits. 

I'm still trying to find people to scrap with.  Anyone else from nebraska/iowa/south dakota? 



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Date Posted: 7/10/2007 1:06 PM ET
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I remember hearing about that.  Was the whole thing made out gold and diamonds?  I did only one page of a 2 page layout this past weekend.  My son is with his dad next week so I'm hoping to get lots of time to scrapbook!
