Silvercat - - 7/13/2007 12:26 PM ET
VERY nice.....
My cat whispers secrets in my ear at night. He creeps up my slanted staircase, down the yellow-walled narrow hallway, jumping like a flying squirrel up on the dresser and onto the top bunk where I lay my head on the soft pillow only 105 days out of the year on average. He tells me Mom told Dad that my boyfriend is trying to kill my soul with his psycho babbles about hell; how she mumbles her religious chants louder than a cock crow in her sleep as she prays for my unclean soul-“Hail Mary, Full of Grace!”- like a possessed cult member-“Oh help me Lord! God have mercy!” He tells me how he watches all of us with his moonlight eyes especially when I am home, alone in my dead grandmother’s bedroom, him waiting for me down below; wanting to follow behind me in the light. my Shadow. |
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