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Topic: Shanna Swendson

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Zachaustlily avatar
Subject: Shanna Swendson
Date Posted: 7/17/2007 5:05 PM ET
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I love this series but just found out today when she sent out a bulletin that her publisher has declined the fifth book because of sales of the other 4 in the series.  The fifth book is about Owen's past.  This sucks!  If you haven't read them please go buy them and read them.  LOL  That way they will publish the fifth one.  Here's her bulletin.


"In case you don't read my blog regularly (and why don't you?), I'm sad to report that my publisher has chosen not to buy book five in the Enchanted, Inc. series at this time because they don't think sales of the earlier books have been strong enough to warrant a fifth book. That doesn't mean the door is closed, but it means that we really need to get the word out to lots of readers and get lots more books sold if we want that fifth book (and it would be a really, really good one -- that's where you'd learn all about Owen's past)."

endoux avatar
Date Posted: 7/17/2007 5:08 PM ET
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I've never read any of her books.  I think the first one might be on my wishlist, but I'm not sure.  I don't buy books anymore, though.

endoux avatar
Date Posted: 7/17/2007 5:09 PM ET
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It wasn't on my wishlist, so I added it.  It's got a huge wishlist, though.  118 wishers!

donkeycheese avatar
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Date Posted: 7/17/2007 5:42 PM ET
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I love this series and would be really disappointed if they discontinued it!

dmac avatar
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Date Posted: 7/18/2007 10:05 PM ET
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OK, I've got the first two and Damsel Under Stress I haven't seen yet.  What is the fourth book?   How could I have missed it?LOL

Gotta have Owens story!!

Zachaustlily avatar
Date Posted: 7/19/2007 12:23 AM ET
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It's called Don't Hex with Texas and it's due out in January of 2008

Last Edited on: 7/19/07 12:26 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 7/19/2007 11:36 AM ET
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I absolutely adore these books! I did pass along my copies - perhaps I should go out and buy the three currently out to keep in my PC.

donkeycheese avatar
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Date Posted: 7/19/2007 8:28 PM ET
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I can't find an ISBN for Don't Hex With Texas

I wanna wl it LOL

Zachaustlily avatar
Date Posted: 7/19/2007 10:10 PM ET
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I know I can't either but it's on her website.  "Book Four, Don't Hex With Texas, is coming in January."  "So what is next in the series? The fourth book, Don't Hex With Texas, is written and scheduled to be released in January 2008. Shanna said that book three, Damsel Under Stress, was written as a two part-er and that book four was planned for release sooner than the following May (the previous three books were released in the month of May). The fourth book will have a satisfying ending, but that the fifth and final book (currently unwritten) would wrap everything up if it were published (and that my friends is up in the air right now unfortunately)."


Here's the link to her blog where she talks about all the mess going on with the 5th book.

Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 7/20/2007 5:51 PM ET
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I love that series!  I looked for "Don't Hex With Texas" on both Amazon and Overstock and couldn't find it for pre-order though.

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 7:33 AM ET
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I've been on the fence about (gasp) actually buying "Damsel Under Stress" (since the list here is long and my library system has ONE copy with 13 hold requests against it, of which I"m #12). Now I think I'll buy it and trade it. I don't usually do that with trade paperbacks, but it sounds worthwhile to support Swendson and keep her writing. I already have one favorite series that was long ago cut off by a publisher refusing to buy more (Rosemary Edghill's "Twelve Treasures" fantasy series - she only got through THREE treasures!) and I don't need any more.

Of course, if they really want the books to sell they should release them as regular paperbacks for $7.99 or whatever, instead of trade paperbacks.  Ballantine is a long-established publisher that has printed regular paperbacks for decades, so they really have no excuse.  

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 8:53 AM ET
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Oops, accidentally double posted.

Last Edited on: 7/22/07 7:28 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 9:13 AM ET
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Another good thing to do is to go to Random House's website and contact them about continuing the series. Sure buying the books is great., but for every letter or email a company receives about a product, they figure that at least 10 more feel the same way but just dont write them.

Email them about your disappointment. Stress that you recommend their books to others. Look at how many authors you read that they publish. (I found about 25) Let them know how many you read. Ask them to continue to publish her books. They often will based on just a few emails


jai avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 10:31 PM ET
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Why are these books trade paperback?! I think that's the problem - a series by a new author and they cost more than a smaller paperback. It's pretty much the reason why I haven't bought one yet even though I've been interested in seeing what these books are about. But - I REALLY hate it when they don't publish the very LAST BOOK in a series!!! NO. Just on principal I have to go buy all of these now!

dmac avatar
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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 11:56 AM ET
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I kind of wonder if the sales would be better if the book was offered in standard pb size rather than trade sized pbs.   The prices are a bit better if you're buying new and it seems that size gets great sell through and wider availability.  

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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 9:27 PM ET
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!   That is one of the few (practically ONLY) series that I buy new.  ARGH!!

DaniLynn avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 11:33 PM ET
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Could this be a publicity stunt to increase sales?  It seems like the series is really popular.  Can she take it to another publisher, since it is already written anyway?  I admit, I have no idea how the publishing industry works.  I will definitely send an email to the publisher mentioning that I will be less likely to buy and get into any series published by a company that will cancel a book release at the last minute.

Zachaustlily avatar
Date Posted: 9/11/2007 9:28 AM ET
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i don't know if it's a stunt or what.  I do know that the books are extremely hard to get in the stores.  I 've had to order everyone but the last one online.  I lucked out and got a copy of the last one in the store on release day and when I had the sales clerk look it up she said they had only gotten 10 copies in and they had all sold that day.  She said they had a lot of people asking about them but they only get the books that the warehouse sends and have no control over what they get.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 9/20/2007 9:31 AM ET
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I just read the first 2 in the series.  I hadn't heard of this author or the series, but I gave them a shot because of all the good things you guys had to say about them.  I have to agree, what a great series!  I really hope they do end up printing the 5th book.  I hate it when a series never ends or gets dropped and leaves me hanging. 

AshsHeroine avatar
Date Posted: 9/20/2007 8:52 PM ET
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She can't take it to another publisher if her current one owns the rights to the book. She could end up with a written book that she can never get printed.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 10/1/2007 6:47 PM ET
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The ISBN for Don't Hex with Texas is 0345492935 in case anyone wants to WL it! 

24girl avatar
Date Posted: 10/10/2007 11:02 PM ET
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I'm reading Enchanted Inc right now and I absolutely love it!! I can't wait for the rest. Looks like I'll be buying them instead of waiting for a used copy.

Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 10/11/2007 12:07 PM ET
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I keep checking for it to pop up on that site.  I want to preorder this and a couple of other books, but I don't want to pay the additional postage to Amazon.  I get my entire order, including all of my preorders shipped for a single $2.95 postage charge on Overstock.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 10/11/2007 1:01 PM ET
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I just checked Amazon and they do have "Don't Hex with Texas" available for preorder. The ISBN is 0345492935

Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 10/27/2007 5:50 PM ET
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It's available for pre-order on Overstock now also.