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Topic: Sherrilyn Kenyon--Magna

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norma6448 avatar
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Subject: Sherrilyn Kenyon--Magna
Date Posted: 5/19/2009 8:34 AM ET
Member Since: 7/9/2005
Posts: 808
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Does anyone know if each book will be complete??  I am collecting Patricia Briggs and she is coming out with 4 comics which will equal her "Homecoming" which is the first 4 episodes.  I thought Kenyon's was just the story about Kyrian & Amanda in "Night Pleasures", but now I see she is coming out with Vol#2 and don't know if it is another book or a continuation of NP.  This could be one huge drain on my wallet!!  I didn't know about Briggs when I first started getting hers, but will not invest a ton of $$ on another series--------------------But I really loved Kyrian so I just might be nuts enough.  This whole Magna thing is crazy......................could someone explain??

alleygirl avatar
Date Posted: 5/19/2009 8:35 AM ET
Member Since: 2/24/2009
Posts: 1,564
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I had assumed it was just the Night Pleasures story in Vol. 1 but now I'm not sure.  I don't read Manga so didn't look at the info too closely.  You might ask on her forums.