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Favorite Recipes: Smoked Sausage/Kilbasa Delight

Recipe Author

Name: Denise R.
Total Recipes: 2



Smoked Sausage/Kilbasa Delight

Dish: Appetizers
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Crockpot
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 5-10
Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 1/2 hr -1 hr

  • 3 ropes - smoked sausage/kilbasa

Cut rope into 1/2 inch size slices and put aside.  In medium - large crockpot sprinkle a layer of brown sugar.  Layer this with a good amount of the meat and repeat this step till bag is empty and meat is all used.   Cook on low-medium heat and stir here and there as needed.  The sugar will liquify and when serving can be poured over the meat. 


If you need to cut time for cooking in half, prepare everything over a stove pilot till sugar is liquified and then put into the crockpot on low.  This is always a huge hit at my cookouts and gatherings but I have also given it as a main dish and the other main ingredient is rice that you would pour the meat mixture and juices over.  I also buy these when they are on sale-buy one get one and freeze them.  They are great to pop out of the freezer, cut up and cook

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