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Later edit: Hmm... apparently they changed it so that books posted while you're on hold are hidden from being requested according to the Help Center. Thanks to the responses. :)
EDIT: What the heck? Did they change the vacation hold so that books posted after your account is put on hold can't be requested? I swear it used to be that books posted AFTER your account was on hold could still be requested.
Check my bookshelf and see if the book "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" by Lisa See is posted? (It'd be easiest to see if you sorted by Date Added -- Descending.) The reason I ask is because I posted this book earlier. My version, when I search for it, has over 240 wishers for it. However, when I look at my bookshelf, it shows it as being a regularly posted book. No wish list hold. No email notifications of it being requested. Nada. My account was put on hold a few days ago, but I was under the impression that books posted after your account was on hold could still be requested. Anyhow, if you could, and post if you see it or not, I would be thankful. Last Edited on: 7/29/07 7:34 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
Last Edited on: 11/7/08 7:28 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
Yeah, I forgot about that small detail. But Julie, didn't it use to be that books posted after your account is put on vacation hold can still be requested? |
I see it there, Shelby. |
Last Edited on: 11/7/08 7:28 PM ET - Total times edited: 2 |
I think this is a glitch, Shaverda. Someone else reported this recently too. I think the book is supposed to be hidden when you post it to your account on hold (this was changed recently, so maybe that's when the glitch happened), and be offered to wishers when you take it off hold. You should delete it and repost, to offer it to the first wisher. I think that worked for the other person. |
Eep, it does seem like a glitch. After I posted that first message, I took my bookshelf off hold. I waited two hours, but that book still wasn't being requested; it just sat there doing nothing. I decided to remove it and repost it... then BAM, two requests for the same book. One was from two hours earlier, and one from the present at that time. How strange. Ah well, I have it sorted out. :)