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Favorite Recipes: Sore throat gargle

Recipe Author

Name: Patricia H. (beachcomber)
Total Recipes: 9



Sore throat gargle

Dish: Other
Dish Type: Other
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 1
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time:


Okay, I know this isn't a recipe for food, but if you have a sore throat, and are SERIOUS about getting rid of it, give this a try.  It DOES work.

  •   1 Tablespoon REAL apple cider vinegar--with the "mother"  (you can get this at the health food store or in the organic food section of your grocery store)
  • 8 oz. water
  1. Mix the vinegar & water together.
  2. Gargle with the mixture. (Okay, it ,might not taste really good but you wiill have to trust me on this one). Spit it out and repeat, but this time, gargle and swallow it!
  3. (Gargle spit, gargle swallow).


I've even hear of this knocking the *&^$#@ out of strep.  DH & I use it when our throats start to get scratchy.   
Within a day, our throats are back to normal.

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Lana J.
9/24/2007 11:04 PM ET
Thank you so very much for this home remedy. We can't wait for our next sore throat to try it out, hehe!
Jennifer R. (boilersnip)
9/23/2007 5:14 PM ET
Thanks! I'll definately try it next time I'm sick! I also use apple cider vinegar in a tea on a regular basis to help with my allergies and to breathe better: 1-2 TBS Apple cider vinegar, 1-2 TBS Honey in 8 oz. hot water