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Topic: Spinny roundy shiny thingy sale

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Subject: Spinny roundy shiny thingy sale
Date Posted: 4/27/2009 6:45 PM ET
Member Since: 1/17/2007
Posts: 12,948
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By definition this sale is limited to two orders, but for what it's "worth" -- a term those who know me know is used very loosely in my house -- the next two orders from my shelf (regardless of # of books) will each get one of the following spinny roundy shiny thingies, I think they're called DVDs or something, in any event, I have the following ones:

(1) Charlie Chaplin: The Kid and Tillie's Punctured Romance  (b&w, running time 133 mins total)

(2) Buster Keaton: The General and Steamboat Bill Jr. (b&w, running time 158 mins total)

Apparently these two guys are supposed to be well-known, who knew?  Point is, if you have one of those machines they make which take the roundy spinny shiny thingamawhoosies and do what they do with them, maybe you can make heads or tails of them.

They are in mint condition, but they don't have the cases I've seen some in -- it's just the -- what is it again -- DVDs and the paper insert that would have gone into the case, which I don't have, had I had it. Them. You know. So you can, like, make your own. If that's important to you. Which is cool, I'm not judging.

I guess the first order gets to choose which thingy to get, which would leave the second order stuck with the other one, so maybe it's best to, like, move quickly on this, but I'm not one of those controlling sales people, I won't hit you with things like Act now! and Don't delay! and There's never been anything like it! because, let's face it, there has, right? Of course.

What was the question?

Last Edited on: 4/27/09 6:46 PM ET - Total times edited: 1