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The Eclectic Pen - Spring Contest

By: katzpawz  
Date Submitted: 2/26/2007
Last Updated: 2/27/2007
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 113

  Jacaranda and Geranium were competing
For who shall herald Spring.

"I, the Jack!" shouted the Jacaranda.
"In my glory of purple! I shall herald Spring!
Mine is the light of royalty and richness! I! I! I!"

"Oh no!" The loud Geranium voice interrupted.
"You? You shake in the breeze and
Stand shy behind leaves. And wave only to the birds!
But I -- I, the Geranium, proudly
Blaze like a flag, burning with the richness of fire!
Warming winter hearts and thawing snowy souls.
'Tis I --I who shall herald the Spring. I!
ARISE! ARISE! ARI.........."

Quietly - so quietly that only Angels could hear them sighing,
Gentlemanly bachelor-buttons tipped their hats,
To the parade of lady-bugs silently strolling by,
Heralding Spring.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by katzpawz

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IONE L. (zaneygraylady) - 2/26/2007 7:55 PM ET
beautiful contrary to rumor I love flowers
Jessica J. (RadioBrainAutoPoesy) - 3/2/2007 5:52 PM ET
i like this alot alot alot.
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