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Topic: Starting back

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livingwilde avatar
Subject: Starting back
Date Posted: 7/25/2007 5:33 PM ET
Member Since: 3/29/2007
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Hello Teachers! So when does everyone start back?? We have teacher institute next Friday and kids by the following Wednesday! <groan> The summer just seems to have flown by!

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Date Posted: 7/25/2007 8:08 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 11/2/08 5:29 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 2:10 AM ET
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Teachers report back the 20th of August...students the 28th.

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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 10:04 AM ET
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This year we go back Aug. 8, students return Aug. 9.  Our district usually starts back around the 23rd of Aug., but they're building a new high school and construction forced a change in the schedule.  Worst part is, we had a really short summer this year, but next year is going to be from May 19 to after Labor Day!  I know that might sound like a good thing to some, but I teach special ed and all those extra days mean only more summer loss for my students.  Why an entire district had to be inconvenienced for the sake of a single school is beyond me.

BookLuvR avatar
Date Posted: 7/26/2007 8:38 PM ET
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Teachers go back Aug. 3rd here and students go back Aug. 8th here.  Summer was way too short!

MsScarlett avatar
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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 11:13 AM ET
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I go back on the 14th of August, the kids start back on the 20th.  I'm wondering where my summer went?  LOL

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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 5:14 PM ET
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We go back Aug. 24 (boo-hoo) and kids come back the 27th. We dont get out again until mid June. Is it just me or did summer just fly by?? I havent even gone on vacation yet? :(


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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 8:48 AM ET
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We go back on the 22 with kids coming in the 27th.  Of course, have a meeting next Monday and K orientation on the 15th.  Currently trying to finish up Wikinomics rather than have that 'open' as a book I am in once school starts!  I have had a great summer since my 5 year old granddaughter has really taken off with reading these few months.  As a reading specialist that is always a great moment in time!  We have enjoyed reading to her 4 mo old brother! 

TwoLittleMonkeys avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 3:41 PM ET
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I go back Aug 9 and the kids go back Aug. 20.  The summer has flown by!!

logdweller avatar
Date Posted: 8/16/2007 7:09 PM ET
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Classes don't start for me until August 27th.  I agree, the summer has gone by quickly.  I just got done teaching summer school a mere month ago. 

Is anyone involved in year round school in their system?


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Date Posted: 8/16/2007 7:38 PM ET
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We start back on the 27th with kids on Sept. 4.  I've been back over a week working in my room though.

PBRmama avatar
Date Posted: 8/18/2007 11:31 PM ET
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Teachers started back on the 16th; Students not until the 27th.  We have 5 full days of staff development (groan) and NO work days until the end.  I guess the district figured teachers will come in on the weekends and they don't have to pay us!  Yes, I did go in today (Saturday).