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The Eclectic Pen - Strange Milk

By: Eva L. (wearetrees)   + 37 more  
Date Submitted: 2/8/2009
Last Updated: 2/8/2009
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 162

  I see how the soil sustains you,
and how for me
sustenance is other.
I walk alone through this city
Along its eyelids,
its phosphorescent veins
across its heart
and the trampoline of its throat
its burnt-red track marks
filled with glass and dust -
I would fill my pockets with it
carry those ghosts around like a prize.
The streets surround me with their cold stone fingers,
the houses blink their eyes
send messages of kinship
and display their passion like flags.
And I am moved to say
I am of this world, I am under this ground -
my body is the poem
translated by the sweet and sour
notes of our lifetimes.
I journey back and forth like a wind,
in love with awkward corners
lights in the attic
strangers' voices.
I carry them across the air,
embezzle my heart with these riches.
And I find myself mouthing these words:
how do I honor this fire?
Oh, I would rather be whole than good!
There is more than one for me
like there is more than one me.
What the mind denies,
the body desires –
Desire reifies.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Eva L. (wearetrees)

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Comments 1 to 2 of 2
Marta J. (booksnob) - 2/10/2009 3:11 PM ET
Your command of language just takes my breath away. Desire reifies; how perfect is that?!
Diane B. (wilddesertrose) - 2/15/2009 2:36 AM ET
Powerful images and lots of surprises--I enjoyed this.
Comments 1 to 2 of 2