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Favorite Recipes: strawberry marshmallow pie

Recipe Author

Name: Sally L.
Total Recipes: 12



strawberry marshmallow pie

Dish: Pastry
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 2 / 10
Servings: 8
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 15 min

  • 1 box - pie crust
  • 1 quart - strawberries hulled and cleaned
  • 12 oz - strawberry glaze
  • 2 8 oz - cream cheese
  • 13 oz - marshmallow fluff

bake single pie crust in oven until brown. I take the second crust and cut out stars and bake them also for the top of the pie. Put the cream cheese in a bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Stir in marshmallow cream and blend with the cream cheese until smooth. Slice the strawberries and stir with the glaze.Put about 1/3 of the marshmallow mixture in the cooled pie crust. On top of the marshmallow mixture put the strawberry mixture (save out 1 cup) than the rest of the marshmallow mixture. Top with the rest of the strawberries mixture. On top spread out the stars as a design as you like.


You can make this a day ahead and it will keep in the refrigerator. A real tasty dessert and people will think you have speny a lot of time preparing it.

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