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Topic: Suggest Some Good Vampire Novels?

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Subject: Suggest Some Good Vampire Novels?
Date Posted: 9/16/2007 12:11 PM ET
Member Since: 6/18/2006
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Back To Top, I'm running out of vampire novels to read. I'm sure there's lots out there that I've never even heard of, so I was hoping you guys could help me out and give me some suggestions.

I loved the first few books of the Vampire Chronicles, the ones that detail Louis' and Lestat's lives and to an extent the others detailing Letsat's further escapades (though, they had waaay too little Louis if you ask me). I also like the Dark series by Catherine Feehan and recently I've been reading the series by Stephanie Meyers (Twlight, New Moon, Eclipse) even if they are for teens. :P I've read others, but they don't come to mind at the moment, but those are the ones that I really loved.

I gotta have my vampire fix! XD

CWGal avatar
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Date Posted: 9/16/2007 1:53 PM ET
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If you are looking for vampire romance, you can look into any of these authors: Kerrelyn Sparks, Kathy Love, Lyndsay Sands, Susan Sizemore, Jennifer Armintrout, MaryJanice Davidson, Katie MacAlister.  I'm sure I have forgotten some--you can check out the paranormal discussion forum for others.

sevenspiders avatar
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Date Posted: 9/16/2007 8:22 PM ET
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vamped by david sosnowski is a great really unique vampire novel, sometimes humorous and very engaging 

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Date Posted: 9/17/2007 2:23 PM ET
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Check out the Brian Lumley Vampire books. I have not read them but a few people recommended them to me.

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Date Posted: 9/17/2007 2:56 PM ET
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Definitely check out Brian Lumley. The vampire's are pretty out there, but they are addictive.

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Date Posted: 9/18/2007 10:30 PM ET
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You have to try Kim Harrison. The first one is Dead Witch Walking. Withces, Vamps, Demons these books have it all. Another author is Laurell K. Hamilton. Some like her others not so much. She must have like a dozen Anita Blake Vampire Hunter books. Happy Hunting. Nothing better then finding a new favorite author.
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Date Posted: 9/19/2007 6:09 PM ET
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Brian Lumley (Necroscope), Nancy Kilpatrick (Power of the Blood), Fred Saberhagen( Vlad Tepes), Nancy Collins(The Sonja Blue Collection) and Tanya Huff( The Blood Books).

Oh, and Whitley Strieber( The Hunger series).

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powerparks avatar
Date Posted: 9/20/2007 10:10 PM ET
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I just read The Society of S by Susan Hubbard and this was a very good vampire book

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vix022389 avatar
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 11:26 PM ET
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I am Legend By Richard Matheson.....this is a must...its fun to read plus they are releasing the movie in December

April0409 avatar
Date Posted: 10/5/2007 5:10 PM ET
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C.T. Adams and Cathy Clamp have a vampire series (paranormal romance). So far, there is Touch of Evil and Touch of Madness (in that order). Edited to include link to their webpage:

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TracyB avatar
Date Posted: 10/5/2007 5:52 PM ET
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Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire series is to die for! (pun intended) LOL

J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series is also excellent.

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Date Posted: 12/17/2007 9:08 PM ET
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LadyLioncourt avatar
Date Posted: 12/19/2007 3:51 PM ET
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  The Anita Blake Series by Laurell K. Hamilton is very good, she has 15 books (and a 16th coming out in June). The titles are Guilty Pleasures, The Laughing Corpse, Circus of the Damned, the Lunatic Cafe, Bloody Bones, the Killing Dance, Burnt Offerings, Blue Moon, Obsidian Butterfly, Narcissus in Chains, Cerulean Sins, Incubus Dreams, Micah, Danse Macabre, and The Harlequin.

  You might also try the Ravenloft books, which are more gothic horror vampires.

stevefaust avatar
Date Posted: 12/19/2007 4:19 PM ET
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I tend not to read about vampires because I don't find them that interesting (to me, I know others love them).  Currently, I will only read a vampire novel if it is by an author whose other works I've read.  With that being said, I would recommend Candle Bay by Tamara Thorne, Live Girls by Ray Garton (and there is a sequel, Night Life, but I haven't read that yet), The Stake,  and Bite.  The last two are by Richard Laymon,  and contain vampires....or do they?  You would have to read them to find out, but they were quite enjoyable in any case.  I have also heard goods things about Blood Red by James Moore, and have liked other works by him, but other than a short story prologue, I have not read it.

Bettyjean avatar
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Date Posted: 12/23/2007 11:22 AM ET
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If you aren't into vampires with a romance theme there are two written by Patrick Whalen, Monastery and Night Thirst.  Night Thirst is meant to be a continuation from Monastery but you can read them separately (I read Night Thirst first).  I also found Night Thirst to be the better of the two.  It has vampires living beneath the city of Seattle and coming out every night to attack - making more vampires and finally leading up to a humans vs vampires climax.  It's actually one of those books on my "keeper shelf" that I will re-read about once a year.

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Date Posted: 1/24/2008 9:29 PM ET
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If you're still looking for good vampire books, you've got to get your hands on Fat White Vampire Blues and Bride of the Fat White Vampire by Andrew Fox.  Silly titles, but truly wonderful books.  I discovered these quite by accident and have been dying to read more by Andrew Fox ever since.

mspurple67 avatar
Date Posted: 1/30/2008 7:53 PM ET
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For me,  my all time favorite - The world on Blood by Jonathan Nasaw - couldnt put it down and can't bring myself to part with it cuz i know i'll want to read it again and again!!!

Also, just finished Poppy Brite's Lost Souls - loved it!

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Date Posted: 2/1/2008 9:09 PM ET
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I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Midnight Mass by F. Paul Wilson.  This and I Am Legend are definitely my favorites.

Ariadnae avatar
Date Posted: 2/4/2008 1:43 PM ET
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Don't forget the oldies but goodies... definitely read Dracula (which is quite sensual) and King's Salem's Lot.

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Date Posted: 2/5/2008 10:36 PM ET
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"Bond of Blood" & "Tales of Texas Vampires" by Diane Whiteside.  Warning:author is explicitly erotic, but the world of vampirism she creates is compelling.

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Date Posted: 2/28/2008 11:28 AM ET
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I read The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova this past year and enjoyed it.  It's a fictional story of  vampires centered around the actual historical facts of the legend of Dracula.  The book was interesting, eerie, and suspenseful.  And for the history buffs out there, there's some good author's notes on what was based on real historical research, and what was made up by her.

And as a shameless plug for my shelf, I've got a copy of this book in great condition available - bought new and only read by two people.


gibby357 avatar
Date Posted: 4/24/2008 4:11 PM ET
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Most have already been said but here are two I have not seen posted already.  They Thirst by Robert Maccammon and The Summoning by Bentley Little are good ones.

avemarie avatar
Date Posted: 5/19/2008 12:21 PM ET
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I am going to second or... third the Laurell K. Hamilton nomination. LOL The earlier books are the best, but I am so invested in the characters and the story now that I can't help but wait with baited breath for the next one. She isn't for everyone, though. Her books can be very graphic in both violence, gore, and sexual content.

But still sooooooooo good.

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Date Posted: 7/9/2008 2:04 PM ET
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Hi, I'm late to this thread but I've been on a vampire kick lately and I think there are a few that haven't been mentioned here...

Just finished Sunshine by Robin Mckinley (beautiflully written. I loved this. the main charcter has this wonder running monologue in her had as the action unfolds, and she is witty, sarcastic, thoughtful and very human in that she gets scared at times. Its a joy to read)

Charlie Huston has written 3 great noir style vampire mystery novels about Joe Pitt.  The first book is called Already Dead.  These are also some of my favorites... they are fairly quick reads, straight and to the point (unlike the Mckinley book!) but are well worth it.

some others:

Fevre Dreams, by GRRM

Lynn Viehl, Darkyn series

Anno Dracula by Kim Newman

Let Me In by John Ajvide Lindqvist

Robert McCammon's 'They Thirst'



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Date Posted: 8/23/2008 10:35 AM ET
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salems lot it a good vampire book,it just so happens i have it posted
