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Topic: Suggestions on getting people to request your books

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Subject: Suggestions on getting people to request your books
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 11:21 PM ET
Member Since: 4/20/2007
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After I posted books I got a few requests right away.  Now the requests have dried up.  I haven't had a request in a long time.  I have pretty common books there ... Stephen King, etc. as well as some not-so-common ones.

Any suggestions?


Susanaque avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 12:09 AM ET
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Do a 2 for 1 on your books......put something in your siguniture line-hawking your bookshelf.  I just popped over to check out you bookshelf - you have alot of John Grisham...there are alot of them here.  Hit up the goodwill, salvation army or rummmage  sales to beef up what you have now.  you have a good start-you just need more.  You might consider being a Boxer-you can swap book  w/o credits. 

Editing to correct spelling errors...........!!

Last Edited on: 7/24/07 11:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Seagull avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 6:01 AM ET
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junie avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 6:15 AM ET
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Great tips Linda.  I have had a dry spell for a very long time.  I buy, read and then post LOTS of Wish Listed books and of course, those go immediately.  But, only once in awhile does something  from my shelf move and I have different types listed.......mysteries, romance/suspense, cooking, a few non fiction, health/diet, etc......

I'm sure eventually books will move out, I hope!  In the meantime, I go to used and discounted book stores, Goodwill when I have a chance (not near me), friends give me books, and anywhere else as I'm always on the lookout.  I also belong to BM and books move there more often, and I've picked up some of my WL'd books from them. 

We just have to have patience, have fun here, chat with all the great members and make friends.  Love this place......;)

Last Edited on: 7/24/07 6:16 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 7:24 AM ET
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The availability of inexpensive used books in PBS posting condition depends a great deal on where you live. In northern Virginia, the sources are endless.

In addition to the other venues Sue, Linda, and June mentioned, check out Craig's List and Freecycle. People who are moving and need to get rid of their books often post them for free in both places. Now the condition of many are questionable and I've put some straight into the trash. But I've gotten dozens of books that I traded on PBS that way, most of them nonfiction.

annakanga avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 9:15 AM ET
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You may already know this, but if you have books that are pretty common in the system (I would guess there are a lot of Stephen King books in the system), they are requested on a first-in, first-out basis.  So, sometimes patience is the key with those.  They will get requested, it might just take awhile!

Jenny avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 11:21 AM ET
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I think that's a very common pattern at PBS-- some initial action, and then a few months of quiet. (At least it worked that way for me.) At the ~6 month point, I got another blizzard of requests as my books reached the top of FIFO. In the meantime, I discovered the wonders of the wish list, and now I'm in a wish list "equilibrium"-- I get books from the WL, read them, repost, and they're requested right away.

Lots of good suggestions above!

Sarah13Rose avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 1:55 PM ET
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Hi Dawn.  I took a look at your bookshelf and went through and uploaded all of the cover pictures that were missing (as of now they are up and approved) and I edited the book descriptions (as of now they are still pending approval, but I am sure that they will be updated soon).   I hope this helps you out a little.  One of your books (wizard book) had the completely wrong description.

After the desriptions go through I would recommend going into the bazaar and advertising your books.

The little green miles books might go quicker if you offer them 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 , and they are so small that you probably won't even lose out with postage costs....

Okay.....I'm done.  :-)  Have a great day

Last Edited on: 7/24/07 1:55 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 6:45 PM ET
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Definitely get the correct descriptions and book covers uploaded into the system.  Who wants to request a book they know nothing about?  Now that I've done that, I'm hoping it'll help my shelf move a bit.

Rianli avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 7:39 PM ET
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I believe you have the whole set of Green Mile books, if I looked correctly. I would definitely try something on the book bazaar. Maybe "make me an offer" or all 6 for 2 credits. Like someone else said, they are very thing books.

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Date Posted: 7/25/2007 7:32 AM ET
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Flea markets and yard sales..  have had great luck with those.