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Topic: Susan Howatch : 5 Complete Novels

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Subject: Susan Howatch : 5 Complete Novels
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 4:09 PM ET
Member Since: 8/6/2006
Posts: 670
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For those of you who like the romantic suspense of Susan Howatch, I just post a book that has 5 of her novels.  It's as if you were getting 5 books for 1 credit. The book contains:

The Shrouded Walls
When her parents die in a car accident, Marianne loses her home and all her worldly goods. She faces life as a governess, until she meets Axel Branson. A lonely house in the Kent Marshes is now her home. But distrust of her husband and fear of the house seem to roll in as steadily as the sea mist...

The Dark Shore
When millionaire Jon Turner returns to Britain to marry for a second time, he returns with several other intentions. First to make peace with his son, Justin. But also, to the dismay of his new wife Sarah, to return to the house he shared with his first wife, Sophia—the house in which she died mysteriously ten years earlier. Was it an accident, as Jon claims, that befell Sophia that weekend in Cornwall? Sarah realizes too late that Jon has reunited everyone who was present that stormy night when she died. And in this nightmarish replay of the deadly events, Sarah has been given Sophia’s role…

The Waiting Sands
“Dearest Raye… I’m writing to ask if you can possibly come to Ruthven for a few days. My twenty–first birthday falls next Sunday… I would feel much less frightened if you were beside me until after midnight on Saturday.” Dependable Rachel Lord hasn’t heard from her school friend Decima Mannering for over two years when, out of the blue, she is invited to Ruthven, the fairytale Scottish castle her friend will inherit on her coming of age. Her arrival is met with relief by Decima, who is convinced her husband Charles means her harm. Is Decima in her right mind? Or is Rachel being duped by her worldlier friend? As the eve of Decima’s twenty–first birthday approaches, a shocking event leaves Rachel with no doubt.

April's Grave
Romantic Suspense: Three years after their marriage broke up, Neville Bennett and his American wife Karen decide to resume their life together. Their friends prohesy diaster when they arrange to take their second honeymoon on the same Highland croft in w hich their marriage had broken up before. A mystery surrounds April, Karen's beautifl young sister, who had been the cause of the break-up. But she had since vanished, was she dead, or had she been murdered by someone Karen loved?

The Devil on Lammas Night
When Tristan Poole moved to a remote Welsh seaside village, what was he planning? Nicola Morrison suspects foul play, particularly when sudden illnesses, accidents, and death shatter the peace…