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Topic: TBR pile and WLed books.

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mamahippo avatar
Subject: TBR pile and WLed books.
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 1:52 AM ET
Member Since: 4/22/2009
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So, if you have a small TBR pile, like 5 books, and you see one of those is WLed do you read the WL book first?  What if you were really looking forward to a different book in your TBR pile?  Or perhaps just not 'in the mood' for the WL book? 

Just curious how others view this and if there is any 'expected' or 'preferred' way to handle it. 

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 2:47 AM ET
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I read what I want to read when I want to read it. Except when, which is usually, I have to read a book for a swap so I can get it sent on time. :)  But absolutely not . . . no way, am I indebted to my TBR pile or whom ever might be wishing for a particular book I have in my home. When it gets posted to PBS, it gets posted.

But if you're doing it for yourself . . . say you need more credits and book A is wishlisted and you want to get it listed so that credit comes in, well, that would be up to you if you read it or not if you're not in the mood for book A.

In no way are you obligated, or should feel obligated, to put books back into the PBS system. Any book. Wishlisted or not.

Last Edited on: 5/11/09 2:50 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
pioneervalleygirl avatar
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Date Posted: 5/11/2009 5:20 AM ET
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I pretty much read what I'm in the mood for. There are a lot of WL books in my TBR pages but some of the authors are keepers for me so I won't be reading those books any time soon but I'm not in a hurry to get a lot of credits right now so I'm reading what calls to me; in March I was down to less than 5 credits so I read a bunch of WLs to pump them up but right now I'm coasting.

As Susan stated, unless you want credits for books, say, on your Reminder List, there's no obligation; reading should always be a fun thing to do, not a chore one has to do.



ladyavalon avatar
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 7:12 AM ET
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I agree with the others. I do pay attention to what is wishlisted. However, if I'm not in the mood to read that particular book, I just read what I want at the time. Now if I needed a credit, I would definitely think about reading a wishlist book so I can receive a credit.

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/11/2009 7:30 AM ET
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Keep in mind that even if you do select the book with a W and read it, you may be disappointed to find that the W is gone by the time you're done with it and ready to post. People change what's on their WL all the time, or other people may have posted the book 10 minutes after you saw the W. If the book has more than just a couple people wishing for it, you likely will get a credit sooner or later but don't count on it being fast--it may have to cycle through 3 or 4 or more people who don't respond or don't want the book after all.

Reading and posting NON-wishlisted books also gets your copy into the FIFO line that much faster...

At any rate, I read what I want and never even look at the W's. I read 'em, post 'em and let the chips fall where they may.

Edited to add, my mind is still boggling at a TBR of 5 books...I don't think I've ever had a TBR of 5 books, even when I was 5 years old. LOL (More like 570 now...eek!)



Last Edited on: 5/11/09 7:33 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 5/11/2009 7:54 AM ET
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I used to try and read only WL books but I found that stressful.  Now I just read what I feel like it reading.  If I can't decide then I'll pick a WL from my TBR and start that. 

But I figure the sooner those more heavily posted books get read and posted-the sooner they work their way up FIFO. 

AlisaLea avatar
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 7:55 AM ET
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So, if you have a small TBR pile, like 5 books

Does this ever really happen???  LOL  Mine is always way over 100.  To answser your question though, sometimes if I'm not sure what I want to read next I'll look at my TBR to see what I have that is WL and read it so I can repost.  But if a non WL book is moe interesting to me I'll read that.  I read for me.

Suzanimals avatar
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 9:18 AM ET
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If I'm low on credits, I read WL books.  Otherwise I read what I want, WL or not.

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 5/11/2009 9:51 AM ET
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Yep, if I'm low on credits, I'll pick up a WLed book and read it first or read enough of it to decide if I really want to read it.  Otherwise, I pick up what sounds good at the time.

Doughgirl avatar
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 10:07 AM ET
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My answer is similar to previous answers.  Except for committments to swaps in the Games forum or group reads, I read what I want when I want.  The books I get from PBS are mine to do with as I wish, so I don't feel any responsibility to get the WL books back into the PBS system - quickly or otherwise (even though most do go back into the PBS system in one way or another).

You should be careful if you are reading WL books just to get a quick credit.   I have seen many people comment (and have had it happen to me several times) that when they post a WL book, it can roll through several members before someone accepts the offer.  And it there are only one or two people on the wishlist, there is the possibility that both members will decline the book and if will go onto your regular PBS bookshelf.

Last Edited on: 5/11/09 10:41 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
tomboymom avatar
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Date Posted: 5/11/2009 10:26 AM ET
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Another vote for read what I want, when I want. I have a bunch of WL books in my TBR pile (my TBR's ~400), but not in the mood for reading them, at this time. Looking at the # of WL's for these books, I figure it'll be OK (and still OK, if they're on my bookself)  I've got ~20 WL books ready to post, and I'm posting some this week (FIFO);  I'm going offer a bunch in the forums next week. I went out of control ordering in Dec, and still have 1 more box to open (repeat to self, do not do this again!)

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Date Posted: 5/11/2009 10:34 AM ET
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Since I normally have 2 or 3 books that I am reading, I try to have at least one of them be a WL book.  I haven't started using the TBR file yet.  It still comes down to reading what I want though, just have too many books to read.  The real struggle is finding the time, especially now is it is getting nice outside.

3pete avatar
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 1:30 PM ET
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I am a read what I want kinda gal too.  However, as soon as I pick up a book to read, I do check its copies status in the system.   If its not on a waitlist and has a number of copies in the system, I will put it right on my bookshelf to get the FIFO process started.   If the book I am reading is on a waitlist, I don't want to post until I am finished and ready to send it.

Now if I have a few books from my TBR pile that I am thinking about reading next, and all things are equal, I will probably select the WL book.


mamahippo avatar
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 1:42 PM ET
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LOL, I'm very limited on space in my house so honestly cannot have a lot of books around.  :(  I'd have shelves of them if I could.  I don't need the credits as I have enough for now.  I only allow myself 4-6 TBR books in my house at a time because of limited space.  As soon as I'm done reading the book has to be posted and, hopefully, sent to the next person. 


I did decide to read what I felt like reading and just ignore the W.  I wouldn't enjoy a book as much if it was a chore to read it... and if I'm not reading for enjoyment and relaxation what's the point?  ;)


Thanks for all the opinions.  I had been curious about how others viewed the situation. 

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 3:47 PM ET
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I read what I want, I would consider reading it unless I'm in the middle of a series or something then I would read the series first.  Maybe if I were low on credits I would consider it.  I have a book right now that is WLed but my husband is reading it slowly, but no rush.  The book will be posted after it's read.