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Topic: THE OFFICIAL HARRY POTTER THREAD! (All spoilers/discussion/comment goes her

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swingsistert avatar
Subject: THE OFFICIAL HARRY POTTER THREAD! (All spoilers/discussion/comment goes her
Date Posted: 7/18/2007 4:25 PM ET
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To keep spoilers away from people, this is now the official Harry Potter thread. All comment, discussion, arguement and fan-girl glee can run rampant here!

Please limit yourself to this thread, as there are many people who can't get the book at midnight for many reasons. Respect that, as I'm sure you'd like that respected for whatever book you night not get to read right away.

ready - go!

daddio avatar
Date Posted: 7/18/2007 7:13 PM ET
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Hello, all Harry Potter threaders. I hope you all find what you're looking for in the last book! For all of you doing the Midnight Madness, have fun! For me, I'm going to Target on Sat. morning and getting my 50% off copy, crowd-free. And yes, no matter how early I read it, I will not spoil it for anyone!! I WILL, however, be using one of my new Harry Potter bookmarks that I designed while I read it, and you or your kids can, too. My site with the printable images on it is HERE . I truly hope that the new book is a great experience for everyone, and am looking forward to the discussions in this thread. Happy Reading!



mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 7/19/2007 10:06 AM ET
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I'm going to Target on Sat. morning and getting my 50% off copy, crowd-free.

You really think it's going to be crowd-free at 50% off?! Hope that wish comes true! :)

TollieTheGreat avatar
Date Posted: 7/19/2007 10:39 AM ET
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I can't wait for book #7!   I've already convinced ( I think) hubby to be at the store at 12:01 so he can pick me up a copy :)  I bet you are asking why I don't do it myself? LOL... .Well... because if I should happen to be an unlucky person who doesn' t get a book right then  I'll be crying like a baby... and nobody wants to see that LOL :)

MommaElspeth avatar
Date Posted: 7/19/2007 1:25 PM ET
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I'm lazy, I just wait for the mail truck to pull up Saturday morning.  I'll have to read fast cause I'm busy all afternoon, and in the evening I have a meeting with someone who loves to spoil.

daddio avatar
Date Posted: 7/19/2007 2:22 PM ET
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It may not be crowd-free, but when 'The Half-Blood Prince' came out I went to Target Saturday morning and it was ABSOLUTELY business as usual - no crowds, not even anyone standing by the big stack of books. I had gone the night before to a Borders midnight deal but left - that was crowded! So, I really don't anticipate much of a hassle, all hype withstanding.



MaskedPenguinAvenger avatar
Date Posted: 7/19/2007 3:08 PM ET
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I'm going to one of the Borders Balls. I can't wait. I'll be dressing up in a gown and acting all silly. :)

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Date Posted: 7/20/2007 10:21 AM ET
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I'm going with all my friends and we're all dressing up =] I'm being Tonks :p hahaha, we're all so excited... but it a way we're all so upset! Harry Potter is a half of our lives! I'm 18 now and I've been reading it since I was 8-years-old! That's ten years of my life! I'm going to my local Barnes and Noble! I loove all the hype! I pre-ordered a while ago so I should be one of the first one's getting it. Although, HBP I didn't pre-order and I was number, like, 500 or something. I didn't get it to almost 2:00 am! And I had work next the day!

challada avatar
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Date Posted: 7/20/2007 11:17 AM ET
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My book (ok, my son's book) is showing as already here per I'll see if UPS truck pulls up w/it this afternoon (woohoo, a couple hours early and the kid that it's for is away at camp....I guess mom has to read it first!).  I won't post spoilers....I hate those.

Anyone else think their Amazon delivery will be today?

MaskedPenguinAvenger avatar
Date Posted: 7/20/2007 11:18 AM ET
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I will jump up and down if my copy from Amazon arrives today.

challada avatar
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Date Posted: 7/20/2007 11:21 AM ET
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Well, I was shocked to see it was sent  UPS as our local UPS does not do any Saturday deliveries (small town) if it doesn't come today, I guess I get it free as it won't show up until Monday.

daddio avatar
Date Posted: 7/20/2007 1:08 PM ET
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I have to get 2 copies - one for each kid. The only time I get to read it is at night, when they're asleep. :(



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Date Posted: 7/20/2007 1:09 PM ET
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I'll be picking up my copy at Waldens tomorrow! I'm almost dreading it though. I don't want it to end plus I'm really nervous about who she might kill off. Sirius and Dumbledore were such shocks - she's certainly proven she doesn't mind killing off popular characters. You gotta wonder, if Harry himself does survive this book, how many friends is he going to have left?

kevinsbebe avatar
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Date Posted: 7/20/2007 4:15 PM ET
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I am so excited. Just a little longer and it's here. I checked my tracking from Amazon and it says my book is in my town. Oh I wish I could have it now. LOL I am so glad I preordered it. :) As to who is going to die it's scary to me. I think we've already lost enough good characters. :( I feel mixed. I can't wait to read it but like someone else said I don't want it to be the last. Well, here's to just having to wait a little while!!!!

kieransmummy avatar
Date Posted: 7/20/2007 7:48 PM ET
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We are going to borders too! WE

kieransmummy avatar
Date Posted: 7/20/2007 7:48 PM ET
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We are going to borders too! Wwe have two copies one for me, and one for my daughter and an audio CD for my other daughter, I will be reading on my way to our vacation tomorrow.

Last Edited on: 7/20/07 7:49 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
MaskedPenguinAvenger avatar
Date Posted: 7/20/2007 8:46 PM ET
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Due to acquiring a nasty headache, I will not be going to the Border's Party after all. Guess I'll go to sleep early tomorrow and then go sit by the mailbox tomorrow morning.

challada avatar
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Date Posted: 7/20/2007 9:33 PM ET
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Well, mine still shows "in transit to final destination" so who knows when it will come (maybe at midnight I'll have a UPS driver at my door, right?).

FYI, you can send a note to the NY Times expressing your disappointment in their spoilers leak in their "review" of the book.  Just email  I wrote a letter which stated I was disappointed in their feeble attempt to gain attention at the cost of kids everywhere...shame on them!

MaskedPenguinAvenger avatar
Date Posted: 7/21/2007 11:18 AM ET
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My book is here. I'll see you all on the flip side.

RoyalScatterbrain avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 3:17 PM ET
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weeeeeeeeeeeee, the mailman just gave me my copy!!!!  Hi Becca!!

leecat2 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 3:55 PM ET
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I got mine at Wal-mart this morning, took a break on page 212.  It is easy to read. I like the fact that there is info in the whole book, no dragged -out sections like in books of the past.  Very interesting so far.

taybug avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 4:14 PM ET
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Just starting chapter 13 ...

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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 6:35 PM ET
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Mine came at 8:55 this morning, thanks to my wonderful UPS guy.  Finished it a few hours ago and I can't say word around here until both my husband and son have read it.  Neither are fast readers.  Oy! 


krisbooks avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 6:48 PM ET
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Sandy, me too!  I bought mine at about 7:15 this morning.  Finished a little while ago (I had to break for a T-ball game -- that was tough!), and I've handed it over to DH, but it's going to take him awhile to read.  So I can't say anything in my house either.

I will say, though, that I REALLY enjoyed this book!  Hope everyone else does, too.  :->

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leecat2 avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 7:30 PM ET
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Finishing chapter 16, I know people who are done by now.  Must have stayed up all night.
