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The Eclectic Pen - Talk to me

By: Gaby H. (waby2elrescate)  
Date Submitted: 5/22/2008
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 134

  If you had a bad day yesterday
Don't worry
I'll write you a song to make you smile
And if all you want is to run away
Walk with me
I'll write a song to make you see

Of all the things I seem to have lost
I'd say I only yearn for those that matter
Sad looks over me
Adding up
Forming layers on my skin
And now it always rains
Because you're not here with me

I have no excuses to give
Other than this fear that strikes me
Of never seeing you again

I think I see the rain
On my window, I see you
But it's not really raining
It's nothing more than a reflection
I won't take you for granted
And I just want you to know
That if you need anything
I'll be here
If you're feeling empty
Talk to me
Because I'll be listening
Even if I'm not there
Even if I can't see you

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Gaby H. (waby2elrescate)

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Comments 1 to 3 of 3
Claudia (BrokenWing) - 5/23/2008 12:41 PM ET
I liked this; it has an intimate, confession-like tone. A softly whispered plea.
Elektra A. (poetryindespair) - 5/28/2008 4:53 AM ET
You conveyed the emotion well. "Sad looks over me" is a great line. The only thing I would suggest is making your stanzas more even. But awesome poem:)
Eva L. (wearetrees) - 6/5/2008 11:18 PM ET
lovely, honest, transparent
Comments 1 to 3 of 3