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Topic: If You Tally Your Books Read, Do You . . . . . .?

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pioneervalleygirl avatar
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Subject: If You Tally Your Books Read, Do You . . . . . .?
Date Posted: 5/15/2009 7:53 PM ET
Member Since: 8/30/2008
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Count a book you've reread? Just wondering because I just finished reading LORD OF SCOUNDRELS and added it to my reading list/tally. I've been keeping a running count for many years and always count a reread as a book and not just counting it the first time I read it.

I once knew a girl who wanted to read 1,000 before her 30th birthday so when she read an anthology she counted each short story as a "book" and we used to tease her unmercifully about cheating - but a book is different: whether it's the 1st read or the 5th read it's still a book-read so I count it. Would you? or do you? I know a lot of people don't reread, but for those who do, is it counted or not? Just curious.

(as a side note, this was my 13th read of LOS and it was as wonderful this time as it was the first time)


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Date Posted: 5/15/2009 8:07 PM ET
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I would depend. If I were counting say the books I read this month for a goal or something-then I would probably count a reread-like in the games forum there's a monthly pages read contest.  But if I were counting my overall book reads then no. 

pamelap avatar
Date Posted: 5/15/2009 8:24 PM ET
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I don't tally in rereads because I often will skim over certain parts and that would be considered cheating to me. :)

reviewromancenovel avatar
Date Posted: 5/15/2009 8:39 PM ET
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Where do you tally these reads???

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 5/15/2009 9:44 PM ET
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wow 13th reread~! I just read it for the first time and it was really good!

willaful avatar
Date Posted: 5/15/2009 10:41 PM ET
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I do count rereads. I don't count books if I feel like I didn't read it completely - though sometimes I will put it on my list marked "unfinished." I don't count rereads of just my favorite scenes. :-)

gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 5/16/2009 3:57 AM ET
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i do count re-reads as books read, though i do note in my monthly wrapup in my book journal how many re-reads there were that month, along with how many YA, and something else i'm spacing on - if i have any of any of those that month.

i don't journal or keep track of books that i read a little bit of (like less than 50 pages) and decide not to read, but in the very few cases where i've gotten a good chunk into the book, then skipped to the end, i will count & journal that.  i think the last one where i read a bunch and then just skipped to the end was a couple of years ago - and i wanted them all *dead* at the end.  at least i was partly obliged.  ;)  this was a sci-fi author that i've tried two different books from, and hated both.

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Date Posted: 5/16/2009 8:52 AM ET
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I will usually rate books I didn't finish with a 1 star. So when I see it come up marked as a book I rated and I see that 1 star I know I didn't like it and didn't finish it.  I don't really keep a running tally.  I only rate them on PBS so I don't accidentally reorder them. 

mamadoodle avatar
Date Posted: 5/16/2009 11:37 AM ET
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I wouldn't count a re-read in a tally unless it was for some type of game or contest.  I keep track of mine here at PBS and Goodreads.

AshsHeroine avatar
Date Posted: 5/16/2009 9:16 PM ET
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I do count them, since it is another book I've read. I don't counts books I don't finish. I know I've read much more than 1000 lol since 05 I have read 612, and I still have a few pages to add to that list. I didn't start keeping track til 05 so I have to add ones from memory from before that.

Bluestocking01 avatar
Date Posted: 5/17/2009 8:50 PM ET
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I don't keep a tally because it would be alot of work for me, I devour books.  But, I would count a reread as reading a book, I know that I have reread some books until they've fell apart.