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Favorite Recipes: Texas Hash, New Mexico style

Recipe Author

Name: Annette M. -
Total Recipes: 4



Texas Hash, New Mexico style

Dish: DInner
Dish Type: Beef
Cooking Method: Skillet
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 4-6
Prep Time: 3-4 min.
Cook Time:

  • 2 lbs. - hamburger
  • 1 large - onion- chopped
  • 1 4oz. can - green chili
  • 4 - potatoes, peeled and sliced thin
  • - salt
  • - pepper
  • 1 c. - water
  • 1 T. - Gebhardts red chili powder

Brown hamburger and chopped onion until meat is cooked. Drain off grease.  To this add green chili,  red chili powder, water . Add  sliced potatoes on top and cover with lid.  Let cook until potatoes are tender to fork.  Add salt and pepper to taste.


This is great with tossed salad , dill pickle wedges, and cranberry sauce on the side.  I grew up with this dish and it was one of my favorites. 

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Michal W. (Princess101)
10/31/2010 4:35 PM ET
This was delicious! I also put tomato sauce in with this. Additional add-ins: Chicken instead of beef, tomatoes instead of chilis if you don't like spicey, and beans and guacamole to top it off!
Bill G. (BillGo) - ,
9/17/2009 7:53 PM ET
Sounds like my kind of meal- am going to try it