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The Eclectic Pen - Today

By: Madison D. (madd1e)  
Date Submitted: 5/17/2009
Genre: Uncategorized
Words: 60

  Hi this is my poem,hope you like it!

Today is a new day,
Not a blue day,
The sun is above,
The waves below,
This world a discrete wonder

Today I live,
I love,
I laugh,
My heart will soar,
Just as before,
And I will shine bright

Today just let go,
Go with the flow,
Be yourself,
Don't let no body else
Take away from who you wanna be,
Just spread you wings and fly

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Madison D. (madd1e)

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Comments 1 to 2 of 2
Bree L. (breelynn) - 5/28/2009 12:27 AM ET
Love the peom, you got mad skills!!!
Elizabeth P. (dreamsleeper) - 6/7/2009 3:09 PM ET
Great poem.
Comments 1 to 2 of 2