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Topic: Tomato plants???

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berries674 avatar
Subject: Tomato plants???
Date Posted: 5/9/2009 10:13 AM ET
Member Since: 10/11/2008
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I want to try planting tomatoes (maybe cherry) in buckets or planters.  I rent and and cannot start a garden.  Any suggestions???

Also, can I plan basil in the same planter???


dragonbaby avatar
Date Posted: 5/10/2009 9:43 PM ET
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Basil does very well near tomatos.  I can't see why you can't put it in the same pot.

Froggie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/13/2009 12:11 PM ET
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Krista,  One of the good things about tomatoes in planters is that you can move them to a sunny location - they like sun and water.  My parents have done tomatoes in planters before and have had good luck. 

Depending upon the size of your planter I would think lettuce or peppers would do well too. 

berries674 avatar
Date Posted: 5/16/2009 6:38 AM ET
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janene avatar
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 7:48 PM ET
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My Mom bought those type of planters that hang (as seen on tv lately) and they worked really great. 

EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 5/19/2009 2:40 AM ET
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We are over run with garden snails.  The hanging pots do well to keep the bugs off the plants. 

Add an eggshell to the potting soil if you are planting in a container.  The containers need to be about 5 gallons.  So a pot about the size of those big paint buckets.  Basil will grow in a smaller pot.  Peppers and tomatoes like to be in a hot sunny place.  The basil will want it's roots to be cooler, unlike the tomatoes. 

jubead avatar
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Date Posted: 6/5/2009 9:52 PM ET
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you can use a laundry basic with heavy black plastic - though it isn't pretty it works well.  Just make sure there are holes in the plastic for water a plastic bucket with holes.  I plant potatoes and onions in the laundry basket to keep down on bugs.  You can plant almost anything in containers.  Key is drainage holes, keepy moist, good potting soil, ferterlize and sunny location....unless it is a cool loving plant such as lettuce.  Good Luck

Last Edited on: 7/2/09 9:01 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 6/13/2009 3:25 AM ET
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I've seen plants in bags made out of weed cloth.  Just sew it like a pillow case.  The bags do need to be big for tomatoes.  The weed cloth lets the water out.