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Topic: Travel Books -- Washington D.C.

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logdweller avatar
Subject: Travel Books -- Washington D.C.
Date Posted: 5/26/2009 11:06 PM ET
Member Since: 6/25/2006
Posts: 416
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Planning a trip to DC this summer and am looking for travel books to read before I go.  Would like the most interesting ones you can suggest.  Am interested in obtaining the most current editions.  Did this when I went to San Francisco and I got great books.  Make me a deal I can't refuse.

Katie1 avatar
Date Posted: 5/26/2009 11:50 PM ET
Member Since: 10/7/2007
Posts: 7,751
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DC for Dummies!! Got it love it!!  Also Try DC for Pets & DC for Kids.   Travel books on DC listed on PBS are tooo oolllddd!!

Try this


BTW where are you comming from??

Last Edited on: 5/27/09 12:17 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
logdweller avatar
Date Posted: 5/27/2009 10:23 PM ET
Member Since: 6/25/2006
Posts: 416
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Thanks Barbara. I'll look at the site.  I'm coming from northwest Indiana.  My state representative is lining up tours for us and sending me a bunch of travel brochures but I always feel you can never have too much information.