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Topic: Trying to figure out this book's title

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Subject: Trying to figure out this book's title
Date Posted: 7/28/2007 11:30 PM ET
Member Since: 3/1/2006
Posts: 436
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All day today I've been racking my brain in a vain attempt to remember this one book and its title. The book was once a favorite of mine, but years ago I stuck it in a box or put it on a shelf...and now that I have this desire to read it again, I can't find it! I don't even recall what the title is. I would really like to read this book again, so I'm asking anyone who might know what this book is to help me out.


This is what I know: The book was a Silhouette. Perhaps a Special Edition or an Intimate Moments. But, I could be wrong on that. Anyway, in the beginning, the heroine has a brief affair with the hero and she winds up pregnant. For some reason which I can't recall, she leaves without telling the hero that she's pregnant. Er, or perhaps it was she didn't know at the time. Either way, she leaves and returns to the small town in which she lived. Her uncle still lives there, and although he's disappointed for the circumstances in which the heroine has returned, he nonetheless welcomes her with open arms.


Other facts I remember is that the hero's name is Justin, and the son the heroine bore has the middle name Justin as well. Also, in the beginning of the story, when they met again after some years, Justin has amnesia, and for some reason has this urge to visit the town that the heroine lives in. When he arrives, he goes into the shop or store or something like that in which the heroine is. Naturally, the heroine is shocked, but Justin, not remembering her, introduces himself, etc, etc.


Anyway, that's as much of the book as I can remember. If anyone can tell me the title and/or author of this book, I would appreciate it.




gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 7/28/2007 11:47 PM ET
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It doesn't ring any bells with me but with such an excellent description, I bet someone can hunt it down for you.

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Date Posted: 7/29/2007 9:53 AM ET
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Hmmmmm, seems like I have read something like this recently, or at least put one like tihs on my shopping list from another book sleuth post somewhere.  Let me see what I can find in my Byron database.  

Here is the one I remember, though the hero name is different than what you remember:

Sinclair's Surprise Baby by Barbara McCauley, SD1402:

A hidden passion, a hidden child, a hidden fortune.  Revel in the unveiling of these powerful, passionate... Secrets!

Three friends all return to their hometown to attend a wedding.  Although these bad boys grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, they find themselves on the right side of love.

Hidden passions, hidden promises -- revel in the unfolding of the Sinclair brothers' deepest most desirable secrets.
Amnesia meant Lucian Sinclair couldn't remember Raina Sarbanes.  But one look into the eyes of Raina's baby daughter and Lucian realized why, when he touched the single mom, he saw images of bodies lovingly entwined....

An accident had erased Lucian Sinclair's memory of one night -- the only night he'd shared with Raina Sarbanes.  So, when he met her again months later, he couldn't fathom why she disdained his up-till-now infallible charm.  Then Lucian touched her, and was overcome by a flashback -- of bodies lovingly entwined and promises whispered in the dark....

And when he looked into the eyes of Raina's baby daughter, Lucian realized this child was HIS.  He was determined to keep hold of his newfound family, but first he had to forge a new bond with the woman who had left an indelible mark on his soul....

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Date Posted: 7/29/2007 2:07 PM ET
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That book sort of sounds like it, but it's not the same one. I know the child in the story was a boy. In fact, last night, right before I went to bed, a couple of facts finally materialized in the brain.


I'm pretty sure the child's name was Nicholas Justin. Nicky for short. And the town that the heroine returned to was something like Haven, or Haven Springs. Other little facts jumped out at me too, like the fact that the child had long fingers, even through the baby pudginess. The hero, Justin, was also very susceptible to catching illness.


I'm going to continue my search. Maybe I'll be lucky and I'll find my copy tucked somewhere in my bedroom.


Trice avatar
Date Posted: 7/30/2007 9:45 PM ET
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Ok.....this was the closest  I can find.....if not let me know the time frame you think the book came out and the age of the son please. Thanks!

Forgotten Fiancée by Lucy Gordon  
SSE-1112  Jul-1997  ISBN: 0373241127  

Not long ago, Justin Hallwood had been a hard-driving, big-city executive. Now he was inexplicably drawn to the little village of Haven - especially to Sarah Conroy, a lovely single mother with an adorable baby son. What hold did she have on him?

Once, Sarah thought that she and Justin would be together always. Then she'd announced her pregnancy, and he was gone. Two years later he was back - with no memory of their shared past. Sarah knew that Justin was a close to remembering - but if he did, would it mean that Justin would be lost to her again...this time forever?


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Date Posted: 7/31/2007 11:16 PM ET
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did we ever figure it out?? hee hee by 'we' I mean the members other than 'me'!

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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 11:22 PM ET
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Oh wow, I forgot to check back on my post for a while. Thanks to that person who put that Lucy Gordon title. That is exactly it! Thanks so very much!!!!

