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Topic: Trying to update book data

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Subject: Trying to update book data
Date Posted: 7/28/2007 11:58 PM ET
Member Since: 7/29/2005
Posts: 61
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I am trying to update the information and ad a description for the following book:

ISBN 68327, The Development of the B-52 and Jet Propulsion: A case study in Organizational Innovation


But it won't take that ISBN (even though that's what it's listed under in the system and IS the correct number...  I have the book lol) in order to let me edit the book data.

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Date Posted: 7/29/2007 12:03 AM ET
Member Since: 4/11/2007
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The five digit ISBNs are assigned to books that are entered without an ISBN.  As far as I know, you can't edit the details for those - the details have to be put in when the book is first listed.

Last Edited on: 7/29/07 12:05 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 7/29/2007 1:08 AM ET
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The only way to edit a 5-digit non-ISBN book is if it is on your own shelf, and then the only way is to delete it and relist it with the change/correction. You can upload covers to them, but not data.

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Date Posted: 7/29/2007 1:20 PM ET
Member Since: 7/29/2005
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Well fudge!

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 7/29/2007 6:04 PM ET
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Lindsey, it's on your shelf, the only thing you can't see on the page now is the measurements which you will need to re-post it.

  1. Open the detail page for the book in your current window.
  2. Copy the picture from the book to your hard drive.
  3. Minimize this window for the moment.
  4. Open another window.
  5. Use the second window to delete the book from your shelf, using your Account/My Bookshelf.
  6. Using the second window still, begin to post the non-ISBN book.
  7. Bring up the Frist window and squeeze and resize them to be side by side.
  8. Fill in or Copy-and-paste the info from the first window to the second.
  9. Measure the book & add the dimensions.
  10. Add your new updated description to the book. (Looks like that will be a copy paste from your review)
  11. Voila! You have it redone with the new info and all!

Hope that helps, let me know if I didn't write it well enough or you have other questions!