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Favorite Recipes: Turkey Potpie

Recipe Author

Name: Alicia B. (silentechos)
Total Recipes: 2



Turkey Potpie

Dish: Casseroles
Dish Type: Poultry
Cooking Method: Baked
Diet: Healthy
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 4-6
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 50 mins

  • 1 - Frozen Deep Dish Pie Crust
  • 1 - Family Sized Can of Campbell's Cream of Chicken Soup
  • 16 oz - bag of Frozen mixed vegetables
  • - give or take 3 cups leftover turkey ( diced, cubed, shredded,,whatever)

Preheat oven 450 degrees

Leave pie shells in freezer until ready to fill.

In 2 qt pan on medium heat add frozen vegetables and heat until no longer frozen and veggies are slighty soft but still have a bite to them. I usually heat them until there is no longer any liquid from the defrosting veggies in the pan. About 5 or so minutes. Add cream of chicken soup and stir well until all vegetables are coated. Remove from heat and stir in desired amount of turkey. Mix well until veggies and turkey are evenly coated in soup. Do not add water to the soup.

Remove deep pie shell from freezer. In one shell add all the veggie/turkey mixture (leave the foil pie pan on the shell) . Will be really full. Will look like it won't all fit, but trust me, it fits :)  Invert second pie shell over top and carefully remove the foil pie pan. Gently try to crimp the edges of the two pie shells together. With a sharp knife cut small vent holes in the top of the pie shell to allow for venting.

Place potpie on a cookie sheet. While cooking it may run over a little. This will keep from messing up your oven.

Place in center of over and bake for 50 minutes or until golden brown. ( My oven takes anywhere between 40 and 50 minutes so check it early)

Remove from oven and let cool slightly. Cut and serve :)

Depending on size of slices...will feed 4-6.


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Donna D. (grandmakitty)
11/26/2011 6:59 PM ET
I like to add potatoes & onions diced up in mine too. Instead of the cream of chicken soup, you could also use turkey or chicken broth and add some cornstarch to thicken. Be sure to salt and pepper well, especially salt. I like the idea of using the deep dish pie crusts for it.
Pat G. (Patg4baskets)
12/2/2007 1:44 PM ET
I haven't tried this recipe for turkey pot pie, but it sounds great. I just wa-nted to make a suggestion. My own recipe for turkey pot pie is about the same, but to the crust you added about a teaspoon of celery seed. I either do that or add some rosemary and thyme to the crust.- If i'm using a pre-made crust I just sprinkle it on the crust and press it in. It tastes great and just kicks it up a knotch as Emeril would say!:-)