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Topic: Unusual situation..damaged book

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seaspiritnw avatar
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Subject: Unusual situation..damaged book
Date Posted: 4/26/2009 11:15 PM ET
Member Since: 1/21/2008
Posts: 460
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Ok.. my step daughter is a new member here and she got a book a few days ago that she had been wanting. She opened the package and put the book on her shelf, then marked it recieved. Today she got it off the shelf to read and noticed the back cover was a little she looked through it she noticed several pages were torn, some in half and some looked like something had been chewing on it. I went over and saw it way should this have ever been sent out...some pages are really half missing... She is too trusting and didn't inspect the book when she opened it  like I do mine. Would it be too much to PM the sender with the details and maybe a link to photos of it and ask for her credit back..or just chalk it up as a loss? She has been reading then reposting her books, and no way can she post this one. Just wanted to get your take on it..thanks.

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Date Posted: 4/26/2009 11:19 PM ET
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You could try and see what happens. But there's not much that can be done since she marked the book received without inspecting it first. 

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Date Posted: 4/27/2009 12:41 AM ET
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If that were me, I'd write the sender a message along the lines of:

"I marked your book received okay upon arrival, and have learned my lesson as when I went to read it, several pages were torn and chewed, In future I'll be more careful about inspecting requested books, but wanted to remind you that a history of sending out such books that clearly violate site guidelines would likely result in your account being closed."

I might attach photos, but not specifically ask for my credit back. But, that's me.




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Date Posted: 4/27/2009 5:52 AM ET
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I have done this - book looked great only to discover later it has a broken spine.  Oh well, I just need to pay closer attention.  I personally just let it drop.

AlisaLea avatar
Date Posted: 4/27/2009 7:56 AM ET
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I learned that lesson the hard way too.  I check my books out thouroughly when they arrive now.

seaspiritnw avatar
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Date Posted: 4/27/2009 9:12 AM ET
Member Since: 1/21/2008
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Thanks for your replies...I told her I always check mine carefully  before I mark them recieved. John I like the response you said you would send..think we may go along those lines.