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The Eclectic Pen - On Waking Up Too Early

By: Joanne S. (Jorusha)   + 12 more  
Date Submitted: 5/25/2009
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 51

  I reach out for the comfort of nothingness
To escape my noisy brain's stories and lies.
What if? Did he? How will I?
Are added to my lists of to do's and to don'ts.
The bed is soft,
But the pea lies smugly beneath the mattress
And all the bones in my body
Are calling attention to themselves.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Joanne S. (Jorusha)

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ericjasongastelum - 5/25/2009 6:42 PM ET
tell me more... please :]
Kami (Kidsey) - 5/25/2009 11:44 PM ET
I like it! It's intresting and everyword leads to the next and it's colorful!
Comments 1 to 2 of 2