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Topic: i want to be biggest loser what way to suceed not spend alot

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carolceltic avatar
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Subject: i want to be biggest loser what way to suceed not spend alot
Date Posted: 4/14/2009 9:13 PM ET
Member Since: 6/11/2006
Posts: 12,826
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this show i saw tonight biggest loser has really brought fight back in me to suceed. i try to be best person i can be to people but this show gave me good cry and it what i want is to lose 95 pound which i have gain since alot of stuff in life... i was 145 when i had car accident that gave me head injury and grace of god thank god i was to have learn to walk again and head injury . i gain 100 pound in year and i have fight to do it again . anyone want to do it with me just to suceed do you have some weight to lose . i know alot of stuff i write about and there are amazing people here that i can call friends. i realize i want to enjoy life and i feel i do but i need to take care of health and every day i deal with head injury , add, mental illiness but i alway see shining lining at end of day . i want to lose weight so i will feel health and there is alway going to emptiness for those children that i lost and when you dont have children it hard when you know you could have that but 3 miscarriage later i will never ever feeling i felt for those babies carry them it was best . i love you in god heaven . but i realize someof it is weight gain but i need to live rest of life one day at time and it time to start diet and really want it and something came up in me . anyone with me to lose weight. i believe in person i am and someday i let other people make me believe less of myself but you know what  i try to like everyone. and i have to love myself . god love me and i dont look for reason why happen and dont beleive thing happen for reason but it make me stronger. okay hugs to every one and i hope in year i can be write her and i will biggest loser in way . good.