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Topic: Wanted Beckett Yu-Gi-Oh Collector books (look like magazines)

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ChristineMM avatar
Subject: Wanted Beckett Yu-Gi-Oh Collector books (look like magazines)
Date Posted: 7/30/2007 6:07 PM ET
Member Since: 7/19/2006
Posts: 181
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My children want more back issues of Beckett Yu-Gi-Oh Collector since they are new to playing the  Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game. These do have an ISBN and I have already gotten some on PBS although I used to assume they were magazines, but I guess technically they are books. We only have about 6 issues in total. In case you have any of these back issues that you are not using any longer please consider listing them or swapping directly to me. PM me about it. Thank you. (So far I've ordered July 2002, Feb/Mar 2004, Dec 2002/Jan 2003 and Aug-Sept 2002). THANKS again.