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Topic: Just watched a great documentary

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Subject: Just watched a great documentary
Date Posted: 10/1/2007 11:20 AM ET
Member Since: 8/9/2005
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Its called One Nation Under God. It was made in 1993 but its was a very fascinating look at homophobia and the religious persecution of gays. Heres a blurb:

This documentary explores the humorous techniques -- including theory from psychiatry and religion -- proposed to "cure" homosexuals. Through interviews and footage from the annals, the argument is made that homosexuality is nothing short of an affliction that can be treated. "Former" lesbian women are featured getting beauty tips, while "former" gay men take to the football fields to prove their masculinity.

It was heartbreaking, infuriating and inspirational all in one film. I watched it on my Netflix watch it now so if you have netflix you can check it out there.

JavaJuice avatar
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Date Posted: 10/2/2007 8:39 AM ET
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Chris - thanks for the heads up about this one.  I'll have to check & see if our OAC resource library has a copy yet.

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Date Posted: 10/2/2007 10:31 AM ET
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Its an old doc made in 93 I think so they should have it.

JavaJuice avatar
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Date Posted: 10/2/2007 3:01 PM ET
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Ah, not necessarily - The OAC is relatively new, & is a non-profit, so......not a lot of $$$$ to buy new movies and stuff.  The movie does sound familiar to me tho', I'll have to ask DP about it, she's the movie queen in the house.

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Date Posted: 10/3/2007 10:52 AM ET
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Well I know its available on netflix if you have that.