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Topic: *****What is your book of the Month for 2014********Lists only

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Cosmina avatar
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Subject: *****What is your book of the Month for 2014********Lists only
Date Posted: 12/22/2013 10:46 PM ET
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The list of names and pages will be here.  Hope you join us.

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Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 12/22/2013 10:48 PM ET
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My list will be here:

January    In the Heart of the Canyon  by Elizabeth Hyde   The Abortionist's Daughter by Elisabeth Hyde

February     Second Nature: A Love Story   by  Mitchard, Jacquelyn 

March           Property by Valerie Martin

April      The Homesman (Thorndike Press Large Print Americana Series) by Glendon Swarthout 

May   On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves     The Shootist by Glendon Swarthout

June   Tell the Wolves I'm Hone by Carol Rifka Brunt

July   Killed at the Whim of a Hat by Colin Cotterill           Terms of Enlistment by Marko Kloos

August    A Walk among the Tombstones by Lawrence Block and the rest of the series.

September   Secret Daughter: A Novel  by Shilpi Somaya Gaowder

October       The Passage by Justin Cronin      Winter Siege by Ariana Franklin

November   Still Alice by Lisa Genova         The Twelve by Justin Cronin


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Froggie avatar
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Date Posted: 12/23/2013 6:27 AM ET
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Thanks for starting this for 2014.  Count me in again.

January - The Things That Keep Us Here by Carla Buckley.  The summary on the back of the book doesn't even prepare you for what this book is about.  I was completely blind-sided on how powerfully written this was.  Ann and Peter are in the process of a divorce when the un-thinkable happens forcing them back into the same house.  While the book is about their relationship, there is another story contained in the book and that is the one that that I can't stop thinking about.  Without giving too much away, imagine that you and your family are "trapped" and going outside could eventually kill you and all you hold dear.  How will you feed your family?  Keep warm? Keep safe?  If you have read this book, please PM me...I would love to know your thoughts on this one.  I finished this book about a week ago and really recommend it!

February - Defending Jacob by William Landry.  Hands down this book was amazing!  I kept switching my feelings about guilt or innocence this entire book.  The ending was very unexpected but had a great twist.  Story told from the fathers point-of-view.  He like any parent always sees the best in their child and often will have blinders on when it comes to their kids.

March - Trust Your Eyes by Linwood Barclay.  I have read many of Barclay's books and this one doesn't disappoint.  It is a mystery that will grab you right from the first chapter.  A good solid read.

April -a slow reading month for me.  Here's hoping May will be better.

May - Uncommon Justice by Terry Devane.  I didn't have a great reading month for May either and this was the only book that I could post here.  It was a quick read and well written so I would give it about 3.5 stars.

June - Mean Girl Apologies by Stephanie Monahan.  Natalie is the one of the mean girls in high school.  She finds herself attracted to Jack who is not so popular.  She hides her crush from her friends and at the same time hurts Jack.  No one knows until Jack becomes an up and coming musician.  FYI - Stephanie is my very talented friend and this is her 2nd book she has written.  First one is "33 Valentines".

July - The Deepest Secret by Carla Buckley.  The mother, Eve, has a secret she cannot tell anyone - this is how the story unfolds.  It was a bit slow in the beginning but picked up in the middle and then went by fast till the end of the story.  Eve wasn't the only one in the story keeping secrets but they all come out in the end. 

August - Gone Missing by Linda Castillo.  I had a terrible month for reading, I couldn't find much that would hold my interest.  I picked this book because it was good.  Not great but good based on all the others I read.  Rebellious Amish teens go missing and detective Kate Burkholder tries to solve the mystery.  It is a little too close to home for her as she was raised Amish but left as a teen herself.  Parts of it were slow but the ending was good.

September - none

October Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. I saw Jodi in person and she read a section from her book which was great (she is funny).  While I don't think this was her best book it was pretty good.  A young girl, a psychic, and a retired cop search for the girl's missing mother.  The mother studied elephants so information about elephants are entwined all throughout the book.  I'll admit that when I got to the end of the book I had to reread a few of the chapters so I could make sure I understood what happened.

November -   Zoo by James PattersonThis was my first James Patterson book and I loved it!  Is the end of the world coming?  Are the animals taking over?  Oz, a quirky wannabe scientist thinks so and tries to convince everyone about his theory.  Then his theory starts to come true right before his eyes.

December - The Abortionist Daughter by Elizabeth Hyde.  I was surprised at how much I liked this book.  A murder takes place and now it is a matter of who done it?  Oh, so many suspects but the truth comes out in the end. 

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barbieofmpls avatar
Date Posted: 12/23/2013 6:38 PM ET
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2014 BOOK OF THE MONTH: no clear winner for book of the year...tie btw. Tales of the South Pacific by Michener...and A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving.

January            Pure Drivel   by Steve Martin

February         An Artist of the Floating World   by Kazuo Ishiguro AND  The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party’s Revolution & the Battle Over American History   by Jill Lepore (nonfiction)

March     Purgatory Ridge   by Wm. Kent Krueger (Cork O’Connor #3)

April     Carry On, Jeeves   by P. G. Wodehouse

May      The Kitchen House   by Kathleen Grissom

June     The Namesake   by Jhumpa Lahiri

July     The Amber Spyglass   by Philip Pullman AND The 6th Extinction:An Unnatural History  by Eliz. Kolbert (nonfiction)

August     A Prayer for Owen Meany   by John Irving  AND  A Walk in the Woods   by Bill Bryson (nonfiction)

September   Kafka on the Shore   by Haruki Murakami

October    The Big Rock Candy Mountain   by Wallace Stegner

November   The Dog Stars   by Peter Heller

December   Tales of the South Pacific   by James Michener (Pulitzer 1948)

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bookzealot avatar
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Date Posted: 12/23/2013 7:58 PM ET
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Faded Coat of Blue by Parry - first installment in the Abel Jones series; Jones is a Welsh immigrant who enlists as a Union soldier in the Civil War and is chosen by General McClellan to investigate the death of an abolitionist; interesting plot, good historical details, well-drawn characters combine with terrific writing to make this a truly entertaining book


Seven For a Secret by Faye - second installment in Timothy Wilde series set in mid-1840s in New York; Wilde is one of the first New York "copper stars" (i.e., NYPD), who, in this book, deals with kidnappers of both runaway slaves and free blacks; Faye's dialogue, characters, and portrayal of city's underbelly are compelling and engaging

Honorable Mention: The Sojourn by Krivak; The Pagan Lord by Cornwell; The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches by Bradley


A King's Ransom by Penman - If you are at all interested in the Plantagenets, Richard the Lionheart, the Crusades, or just superb historical fiction, you simply must read Sharon Kay Penman's books. A sequel to Lionheart, this book tells the story of the last years of Richard I. Her attention to historical accuracy, her story-telling skills, her ability to unravel convoluted political and personal entanglements, and her depth of characters combine to make this another of her stunning, often heart-wrenching, and always engaging historical novels.

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bryson (audio) - This is an incredibly informative, fascinating, and entertaining book in which Bryson explores the science of life and the universe, tackling such subjects as cosmology, astronomy, chemistry, physics, and geology along the way. Don't miss this delightful journey!

The Outsiders by Hinton - I somehow missed reading this classic when I was in high school so, inspired by a discussion in a PBS forum, I decided to rectify this omission. I thought this was a very well done story about teens on the so-called wrong side of the tracks trying to figure out their place in the world -- a story about family, friendship, loyalty, and conflict. 


Outlander by Gabaldon (audio) - I read this (the first in the series) a few years ago and loved it -- and like thousands of others, fell totally in love with Jamie Fraser. I proceeded to read the next three books (each one 900-1100 pages) in quick succession, then put the series on hold as each book was somewhat less enjoyable. But with the TV series coming out this summer, I decided to revisit the story with the audio version narrated by Davina Porter. The audio version is terrific -- even better than the print version.

Honorable Mention: Roosevelt's Beast by Bayard


Dragonfly in Amber by Gabaldon (audio) - the second in the Outlander series, this book focuses largely on Claire and Jamie's romance and adventures in France as they try to prevent Bonnie Prince Charlie from regaining the Scottish throne; once again, a brilliant narration by Davina Porter

Transatlantic by McCann - an exquisitely written book that weaves together three iconic transatlantic crossings -- the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic in 1919, the 1845 crossing by Frederick Douglas to rally Irish sympathy to the abolitionist cause, and the 1998 trip by George Mitchell to broker peace between Northern Ireland and Britain. This is not a linear or fast-paced story, but rather one to savor as the seemingly disparate threads eventually come together to create a tapestry of past, present, and future.


Fatal Enquiry by Thomas - the sixth installment of the Barker and Llewelyn series; once again, it is a joy to follow these "private enquiry" agents in the streets of Victorian London and witness their wit, intelligence, and cunning

Honorable Mention: Midsummer Night by Raybourn


The Lion's Gate by Pressfield - an absolutely riveting book about the Six-Day War based on hundreds of hours of interviews with those who were on the front lines; whether or not you’re interested in military history, you will marvel at the courage, the passion, and the comaraderie portrayed in this fascinating narrative


Free Spirit by Joshua Safran - a fascinating memoir of an unconventional childhood 

Honorable Mention: The Boy With Striped Pajamas by Boyne; The Betrayers by Bezmozgis


A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by Marra -- ​an extraordinary novel set in war-torn Chechnya peopled with interesting three-dimensional characters whose stories weave through past, present, and future

Honorable Mention: Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck; The Storied Life of AJ Fikry by Zevin


My Promised Land by Shavit -- a compelling, thought-provoking, and honest portrait of Israel and the Middle East conflict

Honorable Mention: The Reckoning by Airth; Day of Atonement by Liss


An Officer and a Spy by Harris -- a fascinating portrayal of the infamous Dreyfus affair in France

Honorable Mention: What Angels Fear and When Gods Die by Harris (books #1 and #2 in the Sebasian St. Cyr series)


Eleni by Gage -- a compelling and moving tribute to the author's mother who was murdered during the Greek civil war in the late 1940s

Roselynde by Gellis -- a well-written, engaging, and satisfying story set in medieval times of a wealthy heiress who is a ward of the English crown  

The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Olympics by Brown -- Who knew that reading about a rowing team could be so exciting? Just a fascinating book.


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SanJoseCa avatar
Date Posted: 12/23/2013 10:01 PM ET
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Date Posted: 12/25/2013 9:51 AM ET
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Best of 2014


FictionAngus Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison

Audio:  This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper


Fiction: The Man in the Window by Jon Cohen and The Colour of Milk by Nell Leyshon


FictionGood Kings Bad Kings by Susan Nussbaum


Fiction:  Brewster by Mark Slouka

AudioMe Before You by Jojo Moyes


FictionTie  Burial Rites by Hannah Kent and The Free by Willy Vlautin


FictionEleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

AudioThe Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach


Fiction: Driftless by David Rhode

Audio: The Stonecutter by Camilla Lackberg


FictionRemember Ben Clayton by Stephen Harrigan


FictionEverything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng


FictionThe President's Hat by Antoine Laurain


FictionAll the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr


Fiction:  Where'd You Go Bernadette?  by Maria Semple

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Date Posted: 12/25/2013 11:50 AM ET
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Subject: Best of 2014
Date Posted: 12/25/2013 11:51 AM ET
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January  ......Where Angels Rest.....Kate Brady

February.......The Longest Ride....Nicholas Sparks

March..........Missing You.....Harlan Coben

April.....The Target....David Baldacci .....The Collector.....Nora Roberts...... Notorious.....Allison Brennan

May....A Grown Up Kind Of Pretty...Joshilyn Jackson

June....The Invention Of Wings...Sue Monk Kidd

July.....Don't Talk To Strangers..Amanda Kyle Williams......Dead Heat....Allison Brennan

August....One Kick....Chelsea Cain

September.....American Assassin.....Vince Flynn

October......The Silent Sister....Diane Chamberlain

November...Close To Home....Lisa Jackson

December......A Place Called Harmony....Jodi Thomas

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Bonnie avatar
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Date Posted: 12/25/2013 6:14 PM ET
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January:  Print:  Ernie's Ark by Monica Wood.

                Audio:  KPax by Gene Brewer & narrated by Tom Casaletto

February:  Print:  This is My Story by Monica Wood


March:   Print:

              Audio:   An Unfinished Life by  Spragg, Mark   (read by Tony Amendola and Judith Marx) 


April:      Print:  Revere Beach Boulevard by Roland Merullo


May:        Print:  Revere:  In Those Days by Roland Merullo


June:       Print: Revere Beach Elegy by Roland Merullo

                Audio: Call the Midwife  by Jennifer Worth

                           Shadows of the Workhouse by Jennifer Worth

July:          Print:  The Binding Chair by Kathryn Harrison

                  Audio: In the Midst of Life by Jennifer Worth

                             Farewell to the East End by Jennifer Worth

August:      Print:  Cirkus: A Novel by Patti Fraze

                             Bone by Fae M. Ng

                   Audio: Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King  read by Wm Hurt and Stephen King

                              One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus   read by Laura Hicks

                              Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks   read by the author

September:     Print:  A Parchment of Leaves by Silas House

                       Audio: Dreams of Joy by Lisa See, read by Janet Song

                                  The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak, read by Allan Corduner

                                   Delores Claiborne by Stephen King, read by Frances Sternhagen

October:          Print:  Walking Home: A Pilgrimage from Humbled to Healed by Sonia Choquette

                                    Talking with My Mouth Full: Crab Cakes Bundt Cakes and Other Kitchen Stories by Bonny Wolf

                          Audio:  Coming Clean by Kimberly Rae Miller, read by the author

November:       Print:  The Coal Tattoo by Silas House

                          Audio:  Bloodroot by Amy Greene and read by a full cast

December:        Print:   Raney by Clyde Edgerton

                                      Do Dead People Watch You Shower by Concetta Bertoldi


Books of the Year: Ok, some good print books, 4 stars, but oh, the trouble I had deciding if there really was one that was best.  Finally, I decided no, there is no top pick in print this year.  Nothing I'd read again.  But in audio, at least half of them I would listen to again, and maybe again.  After much pondering I've decided that there are two of many that edged out the others.

Audio: Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King  read by Wm Hurt and Stephen King

The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak, read by Allan Corduner

Each is a great story, superbly performed.  They were each actually better in audio than in print.  Or movie.  And I loved the movies!

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Page5 avatar
Date Posted: 12/26/2013 1:05 PM ET
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January: Killer of Men (Long War, #1)    Cameron, Christian, honorable mention to The Emperor of All Maladies    Mukherjee, Siddhartha

February:  no selection

March:  84 Charing Cross Road - Hanff

April: The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Gaiman

May: Heretic - Bernard Cornwall

June: Son - Lois Lowry

July: Andersonville - Mackinlay Kantor

August: Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell

September: Marathon - Christain Cameron

October:  The Brave - Nicholas Evans 

November: What The Robin Knows-Jon Young

December: Empire of Silver - Iggulden







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Gr8Smokies avatar
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Date Posted: 12/26/2013 7:57 PM ET
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My list!

January:  The Darkest Hour by Maya Banks. Nothing earthshattering, but it was fun.

February:  Amanda's Beau by Shirley Raye Redmond.  Non-preachy Christian fiction fun.

March: The Jade Temptress by Jeannie Lin.  I just love her controlled, honorable characters and the settings in Ancient China are different and compelling.  

April: My Story by Elizabeth Smart.  Very sad but she is an amazing woman.

May:  Giving Myself Away by Grete DeAngelo.  Quirky and funny, but poignant at the same time.

June:  Doctor Sleep by Stephen King.  Creepy and good!

July:  Those Who Wish Me Dead by Michael Koryta.  Great thriller about a boy who witnesses a murder.

August:  The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt.  Deep themes about art and identity.  And great characters.

September:  The Graveyard Book:  Part 1 Graphic Novel by Neil Gaiman.  Enjoyable comic!

October:  Life After Life by Kate Atkinson.  Thought provoking and well-written time travel novel.

November:  No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah Maclean.  Nice romance centered around a gaming hell.

December:  In the Bleak Midwinter by Julia Spencer-Fleming.  Promising start to a series of mysteries.

Book of the Year:  Life After Life by Kate Atkinson.

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kathyk avatar
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Date Posted: 12/27/2013 12:01 AM ET
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January  -  Day by Elie Wiesel . Also a reread of Night by Elie Wiesel .  Honorable mention:  The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings


February: "At the End of the Road" by Grant Jerkins; and "Silence of the Grave" by Arnaldur Indridason

March:  "Triptych" and"Fractured" by Karin Slaughter

April: "The Killing of the Tinkers " by Ken Bruen

May: "Learning to Swim" and "A Cold Lonely Place" by Sara J. Henry

June: "Weirdo" by Cathi Unsworth

July - "The Guilty One" by Lisa Ballantyne;  and "The Great Mortality" by John Kelly

August: "The Killing Circle " by Andrew Pyper

September - Until the Night (John Cardinal, Bk 6) by Giles Blunt  .  Audio (cd)- Puppet by Joy Feilding;  The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins(cassette)

October - ":U is for Undertow", "V is for Vengence" both by Sue Grafton

November - Book one , two and three of the David Hunter series by Simon Beckett. "The Chemistry of Death", "Written in Bone", and "Whispers of the Dead"

December - There Was an Old Woman by Hallie Ephron


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sprinklesteen avatar
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Date Posted: 12/27/2013 11:52 AM ET
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I love this idea!  I'm in!


January - Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell

February - UGH, I don't really have any favorites for February.  Sad, I know.  But, nothing I read this month would remotely qualify as a standout.  

March - The House Girl, by Tara Conklin

April - The Valley of Amazement, by Amy Tan









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pinkcypress avatar
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Date Posted: 12/28/2013 6:28 PM ET
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January - Gods of Guilt by Michael Connelly. Loved it!

February - Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen

March - The Purity of Vengeance by Jussi Adler-Olsen

April - Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

May - The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld

June - tie between Orphans of Race Point by Patry Francis and Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King

July - slow month and I think I forgot to log a book or two. Plus there were a few I started and didn't finish. But I did re-read Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - that's always a 5 star for me.

August - Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey

September - tie between The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin and I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes.

October - Rooms by Lauren Oliver

November - A re-read for me - Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

December - My Sister's Grave by Robert Dugoni

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sevenspiders avatar
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Date Posted: 12/29/2013 10:40 AM ET
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January- Empty Mansions: The Mysterious Life of Hugette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune by Paul Clark Newell Jr. & Bill Dedman

February- Princesses Behaving Badly: Real Stories from History Without the Fairy Tale Endings by Linda Rodriguez McRobbie











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Date Posted: 12/29/2013 3:45 PM ET
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January: The Ant God - Kelton Drew Earl
When Earl is told he's won an interview with an angel, he scoffs and forgets about the whole ordeal.  To his surprise one actually comes to his doorstep and announces he has two hours to answer any questions Earl may have.  At first he's not sure what to ask, but soon the questions are pouring out and his whole life is turned upside-down.  A great novel to get you thinking.



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Lambie avatar
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Date Posted: 12/30/2013 12:35 AM ET
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Sorry I dropped off during the 2013 list.  Things got kind of crazy and a lot of things got set aside.

January:  Dark Witch (Cousins O'Dwyer, Bk 1)

February:  Abandon

March:  The Girl With the White Flag: A Spellbinding Account of Love and Courage in Wartime Okinawa

April:  The Ocean at the End of the Lane









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Sara618 avatar
Date Posted: 12/30/2013 11:49 AM ET
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January: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell.  I'm still not 100% sure about this book, but it is still lingering in my mind which is always the sign of something good!  

February: I only read one book this month and it was horrible, so no book for February :(

March: Dancing on Broken Glass by Ka Hancock.  I chose this for book club this month, although I have no idea where I came across it.  To say this book was heart wrenching is a gross understatement!  I think I went through an entire box of tissues throughout the course of this novel.  It was beautifully written and captured the anguish of living with someone affected by and dealing with mental illness.

April: Nothing amazing this month.  I'll choose Trokia by Adam Pelzman, but only because it was the best of a mediocre bunch.

May: Another month of marginally okay books.  Let's go with A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner.  While this is categorized as Christian Fiction, it was really just historical fiction.   The plot was predictable, but the setting was interesting (NYC just after the Triangle Shirtwaist fire and on Ellis Island).  A quick read!








Book of the Year:

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Granites2001 avatar
Subject: 2014
Date Posted: 12/31/2013 10:09 AM ET
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Favorite book for 2013 - The Storycatcher - Ann Hite

Favorite book for 2014 - Ghost on Black Mountain - Ann Hite




January -  The Lotus Eaters - Tatjana Soli - 4 Stars

February - Me Before You - JoJo Moyes - 4.5 Stars

              2nd Pick - Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn - 4.5 Stars

March - Doctor Sleep - Stephen King - 5 Stars 

April -  The Snow Child - Eowyn Ivey - 4.5 Stars

May - Sarah's Quilt - Nancy E. Turner - 4.0 Stars

June - Always Watching - Chevy Stevens - 4.3 Stars

July - The Bronze Horseman - Paullina Simons - 5 Stars (Amazing)

         Tell The Wolves I'm Home -  Carolyn Rifka Brunt - 4.0 Stars

August - Dancing on Broken Glass - Ka Hancock - 5 Stars/Orphan Train - 4.0 Stars

September - Ghost on Black Mountain - Ann Hite - 5.00 Stars (I LOVE Ann Hite)

October - Tatiana & Alexander - Paullina Simons - 4.5 Stars (Excellent)

November -  Pretty From a Distance - Cat McCarrey - 5.0 Stars

December -  Gracelin' O'Malley - Ann Moore - 4.5 Stars



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escapeartistk avatar
Date Posted: 1/1/2014 3:06 AM ET
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  • Spin by Wilson (Science fiction) 4.5 stars





July: sad


  • The Fencing Master by Perez-Reverte (Historical fiction) 4 stars


October & November sad


  • The Blade Itself & Before They Are Hanged by Abercrombie (Fantasy) 4.5 stars
  • Comanche Moon by McMurtry (Historical fiction) 4.5 stars



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Date Posted: 1/1/2014 10:49 AM ET
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January- Split Second by Alex Kava ( Maggie Odell # 2) If you like a good serial murderer suspense thriller with strong characters then this book is for you.

February- Brimstone by Robert B Parker (Cole and Hitch # 3) The third book in a solid western series. If you are starting the the series should be read in order.

March- Cross my Heart by James Patterson ( Alex Cross # 21) A great installment in this long series looking forward to reading the next one.

April- The Prince of Beverly Hills by Stuart Woods ( Rick Barron) A great start to another series from this author. I hope their will be more books then just the two.

May- The Viking Funeral by Stephen J Cannell (Shane Scully #2) Second book in the series from this author. Looking forward to reading more books from this author.

June- Back Spin by Harlan Coben (Myron Bolitar # 4) The fourth book in the series. A solid installment in the series.

July- A Time to Kill by John Grisham A great courtroom drama. Solid book from this author.





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vprosser avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2014 1:33 PM ET
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January:  I had a great reading month.  My top pick is The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom.  I listened to it on audio and both narrators were incredible.  The storyline was one where I was frustrated that the main character didn't know what I knew and made horrible choices because of it.  Very impressive debut novel.

February:  Not nearly as good as a month this time, but my pick is The Maze Runner by James Dashner.  It is the first of a trilogy (and there is also a prequel).  I had high hopes for this one (I had actually bought it for my teenage son, which he whipped right through the entire series).  However, the first 100 or so pages had me questioning if I would even finish it.  I'm glad I hung in had to "set up" and once I was hooked, I couldn't stop reading.  I just finished the trilogy and plan on starting the prequel tonight.

March:  Another amazing reading month!  All of the books I read were either 4 or 5 stars.  With a difficult decision, my pick of the month is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.  I loved the twists and I admire how the author could get you to both feel sorry for and absolutely hate both of the main characters at different times in the book.  I am looking forward to the movie, even if they do change the ending.

April:  This was a month full of average books.  All but one I gave only 3 stars to, and the oddball was only 2 stars.  So to pick my best of the month is a bit more challenging this time.  I choose The Betrayed by David Hosp. I really enjoyed his Scott Finn series, but this stand-alone just didn't entertain me as much.  If you're going to try this author, which I do suggest, then please start with Dark Harbor.

May:  Not a great reading month.  My pick is The 9th Judgement by James Patterson & Maxine Paetro.  I am enjoying this series, and this was one of the better installments.

June:  Nothing really stood out this month.  My choice for this month was a toughie, but I selected The Dinner by Herman Koch.  There was a lot of hype about this book, and I liked the premise of the storyline starting with giving you tidbits of the plot as an appetizer, and going on to the eventual main course & the rest of the meal as each piece of the plot is revealed.  The actual story could have been fleshed out more though.

July:  I had a great reading month -- only listened to one long audio, which was good, but my pick this month is a tie between the latest in a much-loved series and a beginning of a new-to-me series.  Shaken by J.A. Konrath is a prequel of sorts -- it jumps around in time, and gives you a lot of info on how Jack became the woman she is today.  I always recommend this series, but not for the squeamish.  A new-to-me author is Charlaine Harris of the Southern Vampire series which were made into HBO's True Blood series.  I am not really interested in vampires, so I decided to try her Lily Bard mystery series, which starts with Shakespeare's Landlord.  The main character's past is revealed in a slow manner, and all the while you're also trying to figure out the whodunit of a small town murder.  A series I look forward to continuing.

August:  Hands-down, Fingersmith by Sarah Waters is the pick this month.  I have had this on my TBR forever, and finally got around to it, and at first it was a little slow, but then as soon as it got going, I had a very hard time putting it down.  And when I would be at work or doing other things, I was thinking about it.  It has some twists that I never knew were coming.  Loved it!  I have the British miniseries on my wishlist at swapadvd.

September:  I had a pretty good month.  My choice is Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloane  It isn't really anything I'm used to reading (in this case, listening), and I found it funny, interesting, and techie.  And yes, I'm over 30.  :)  The narrator did a great job.

October:  Not much reading/listening done this month.  My choice is Bel Canto by Ann Patchett.  It was the kind of book that the further you got into it, the more it kept your attention.  I liked the ending, which is opposite of most reviews I read.

November:  The Vault by Boyd Morrison is my choice this month.  It is the second Tyler Locke book, which is kind of like a modern day Indiana Jones.  I enjoyed it, even though it got far-fetched at times -- it was part of the fun.

December:  I was in the middle of a really long audio, so I didn't get a lot finished this month.  My pick is Murder on Monday by Ann Purser.  It is the first in the Lois Meade cozy mystery series set in Britain.  It is more down to earth than a lot of cozies, which I found refreshing.  Though it is a bit dated -- I found myself thinking the character would not be doing what she was doing nowadays.


2014 Book of the Year: Fingersmith by Sarah Waters

(out of 54 books read)


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Date Posted: 1/1/2014 3:42 PM ET
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January:  An American Tragedy - Theodore Dreiser

February:  A Dance to the Music of Time:  First Movement - Anthony Powell

March:  Children of Dune - Frank Herbert

April:  The Waste Lands:  Dark Tower III - Stephen King

May:  God Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert

June:  Wizard and Glass:  Dark Tower IV - Stephen King

July:  Howard's End - E. M. Forster

August:  A Dance to the Music of Time:  Second Movement - Anthony Powell

September:  Wolves of the Calla:  Dark Tower V - Stephen King

October:  The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - Michael Chabone

November:  A Dance to the Music of Time:  Fourth Movement - Anthony Powell

December:  Chapterhouse Dune  - Frank Herbert (It's the only book I read this month)

Book of the Year:  The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - Michael Chabone

Last Edited on: 1/24/15 4:01 PM ET - Total times edited: 10
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Date Posted: 1/1/2014 8:37 PM ET
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2014 LIST

January Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris

February Tricks by Ellen Hopkins

March The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

April Without Fail by Lee Child

May Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult

June Persuader by Lee Child & A Duty to the Dead by Charles Todd  (it was a tie this month)

July The Virgin of Small Plains by Nancy Pickard & Glass (Crank, Bk #2) by Ellen Hopkins (tie once again this month)

August Pray for Silence (Kate Burkholder, Bk #2) by Linda Castillo

September Breaking Silence (Kate Burkholder, Bk 3) by Linda Castillo

October Reliquary (Pendergast, Bk #2) by Lincoln Child & Douglas Preston

November Burned by Ellen Hopkins

December Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella (December was not a good month of reading for me)

Best of 2014 Tricks by Ellen Hopkins

Last Edited on: 1/2/15 4:24 PM ET - Total times edited: 14