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Topic: What is going on with the search feature

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SandyP avatar
Subject: What is going on with the search feature
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 9:53 PM ET
Member Since: 8/17/2005
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Something is wrong ...I was searching a book to see if anyone is wishing it and posted...all ....or unposted sez no book wasz fond...umm NOT TRUE.....And they have a lot of genres ...what a mess I am on dial up and this is getting harder and harder

Cattriona avatar
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Date Posted: 5/8/2009 10:00 PM ET
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Could you share the specific search example you were using, so others can test it and see if they can duplicate the message you're getting?



SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 10:05 PM ET
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Hi try seaching Cat playing Cupid  I tried in in ALL.....UNPOSTED, WLED AND POSTED and no book but it is in my hand and now I tooked on a buddys Shelf and tossed FIFO out the window for the night...I am stunned....ugh I hate it if they changed it...Thanks :)

SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 10:40 PM ET
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I also tried  REAL VAMPIRES DON'T DIET......NO MATCH  they claim no its waiting on my bookshelf on someones WL this is crazy and sucks

Princess65 avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 10:44 PM ET
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Sandy...must be your computer I searched Cat Playing Cupid and found it (28 people wishing)

  Cat Playing Cupid (Joe Grey)
Author: Shirley Rousseau Murphy
ISBN-13: 9780061123979 - ISBN-10: 0061123978
Rating: 2

Book Type: Hardcover
Publication Date: 2009

Last Edited on: 5/8/09 10:47 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Princess65 avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 10:46 PM ET
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Found that one also: (211 wishers)

  Real Vampires Don't Diet (Glory St. Claire, Bk 4)
Author: Gerry Bartlett
ISBN-13: 9780425225646 - ISBN-10: 042522564X
Rating: 12

Book Type: Paperback
Publication Date: 2009

Last Edited on: 5/8/09 10:48 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Princess65 avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 10:50 PM ET
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Sandy, I just went to look at your Bookshelf and it says you currently do not have any books posted in the does not say your bookshelf is on hold, it says "no books posted in the system"

SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 10:52 PM ET
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Thanks I know something is off  it is from this site not my puter I am having no issue doing anything but searching books on the site....Did you select a genre? I didn't because I never have...and as I ONLY post WLed books anymore the loss of this feature to me is really vexing me...again thanks you rock..I know they exist.....up until today I was always able to search but never had all that genre junk :*(

Last Edited on: 5/8/09 10:53 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Princess65 avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 10:53 PM ET
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Nope did not search by genre....Advanced Search... all of these Key Words (put in title)....searched All Books

Last Edited on: 5/8/09 10:57 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 10:57 PM ET
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I am not on hold ...I posted 2 books and they are WLED all I do anymore is post wish listed books...which means they move cannot see them on my shelf because...well lol they are right now no books can be seen..I am waiting for 1 person to confirm they still want the book the other has to be printed...The bummer is my search is not working..So say I want a book for me even...I can't get it to find ANYTHING...Whine

Princess65 avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:01 PM ET
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btw, I'm on dial-up also and not having any problems....perhaps you need to reboot and reconnect to the internet...clean out cookies and cache.

Have you defragged lately and done a disk cleanup....this usually makes things run faster for me....

SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:02 PM ET
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I just tried advanced search..ditto it doesn't work and I have a bunch of stuff that comes up to the side by said something about genre and then tons and tons of  genres......whine this feels like hell...and I am for me just getting into the undead series and am stuck with no working search :*((((  Maybe they are applying some new thing and only did some of us??? so far???

SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:05 PM ET
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Thanks again C you are a doll.....I can do that later though my puter is fine on everything else..even on other sites everything works..It's the I will try that later tonight...even a new genre page came up on me too...thus I think its a new change some of us have been stuck with as of today but ???

camimh avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:14 PM ET
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This is what my side bar looks like as far as the new genre stuff:

Always Excluded Genres: Sports, Religion & Spirituality

The Always Excluded Genres might be what's causing you problems. I remember when I set my up it was to exclude certain genres from popping up in the "recommendations". Is it possible you set these up at some point so that's why you're not getting the search results you want?

Princess65 avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:17 PM ET
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If yours continues to mess up and you need something searched just PM...I'll be on and off all day tomorrow and certainly wouldn't mind searching some things for you...


Cameron...are you finding all the genre stuff on the Search "Advanced Search" or under Search "All Books"....because under Advanced Search you don't have that big list to the side.

Last Edited on: 5/8/09 11:22 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:22 PM ET
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Thank you ...awww youre mega sweet Christy  ..........and Cameron H. thank you...yes that has to be it...all of a sudden today all my excluded GENRES from my what *I* don't want to see in my  suggestions...thats it cause I only wanted to see 3 genres  as far as suggestions.......why are they doing this to search....???? How do I fix it and how can I just not have to see ANY suggestions YET be able to search...though Joe Grey should have showed up as a mystery



SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:24 PM ET
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Christy I got it too under advanced search kicks back to that crazy genre crapp

camimh avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:25 PM ET
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That didn't exactly format right but I think that's your problem. lol As for how to fix it, it has an edit option on mine but then you'd have to take some of your exclusions off. I don't know why they're mixing the two - that's annoying to me

SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:29 PM ET
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I could not get mine to format correctly either the table got all ugh but .....but do you mean I will be swamped with junk recommended I do not like? I have to undo all my don't show me's??????????????????????   PLEASE SAY IT AIN'T SO

Last Edited on: 5/8/09 11:32 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
camimh avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:31 PM ET
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Yep, that's the problem then I'd guess. Your exclusions probably cover quite a few books - even ones you wouldn't think would fall in there. And sometimes the genres are just weird.

SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:36 PM ET
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Lol well I kind of had mine only set up to take mysteries....maybe something else but my search always worked...till last night...whine..I am gonna go and try to edit and see..Like the Unwed and Undead series I am not sure what genre that is....Thanks to all..I will look back later but they oughta pay me to do all of this over again :*(

SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 11:42 PM ET
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FIXED I added in (edit) lit and fiction and now can find the 2 they ought not mix the 2 features I hatre that...AGAIN THANK YOU ALL ...MUCH APPRECIATED

geejay avatar
Geri (geejay) -
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Date Posted: 5/9/2009 5:10 AM ET
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I think the Undead and Unwed series would fall under paranormal if there is a paranormal category.

I've had some trouble finding books in the past couple of days too.  I found if I go to Advanced Search and put in the ISBN it'll pop up fast.  I just slip over to Amazon, get the ISBN and enter it here. 

SandyP avatar
Date Posted: 5/9/2009 10:39 PM ET
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Yo Geri thanks yeah I hate the new mixed feature I usually just look in here to see if anyone wants a book WL and post it....if I have to go to other sites to seach isbn's I will just not post them and buy credits...this is crazy....but I love ya all and thanks