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Topic: what LGBTQ books do you have on your shelf?

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checkingmypulse avatar
Subject: what LGBTQ books do you have on your shelf?
Date Posted: 12/15/2006 4:14 PM ET
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List them here!
Bernie avatar
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Date Posted: 12/15/2006 6:37 PM ET
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Nice Jewish Girls: A Lesbian Anthology  ...On my shelf, ready to order after my vacation.
closer-to-fine avatar
Date Posted: 12/15/2006 6:42 PM ET
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I love shiksas! <3
checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 12/15/2006 6:43 PM ET
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me too!:-)
L avatar
L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 12/16/2006 4:28 AM ET
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Ok, for the non-GLBTQers in the group, what is Q?  (Damn, and I thought I was enlightened! LOL...)
checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 12/16/2006 6:53 AM ET
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Q=Questioning  (that's my bad - should have defined it all in the first post)

Last Edited on: 12/16/06 6:53 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
MyLikeIt avatar
Date Posted: 12/16/2006 12:57 PM ET
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Also Queer, as in GenderQueer. . . . . .
MyLikeIt avatar
Date Posted: 12/16/2006 12:58 PM ET
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I have The Way Forward Is With a Broken Heart, by Alice Walker.  It covers the spectrum of passion, healing, love, and reconciliation. 


Last Edited on: 12/19/06 7:32 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
closer-to-fine avatar
Date Posted: 12/16/2006 2:52 PM ET
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L - I didn't even notice the Q until you mentioned it. hehe
BookShopGal avatar
Date Posted: 12/19/2006 6:43 AM ET
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I went thourgh our old book storage today and pulled these and posted them, Non-Fic:

Lesbian Passion : Loving Ourselves and Each Other - JoAnn Loulan


Party Crasher : A Gay Republican Challenges Politics as Usual - Richard Tafel

The ACCIDENTAL ACTIVIST : A Personal and Political Memoir - Candace Gingrich, Chris Bull

Last Edited on: 12/19/06 8:33 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
closer-to-fine avatar
Date Posted: 12/19/2006 2:55 PM ET
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Sam, do you have 2 copies of "The Accidental Activist"?
BookShopGal avatar
Date Posted: 12/19/2006 8:32 PM ET
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nope Dayna, just one.  Sorry about that, editing it  now :)
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Date Posted: 12/22/2006 6:10 PM ET
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I've got a lot.  Right now I've got a lot of the published books by torque press, I've also got some great books from Iris publishing, mainly 'A Strong and Sudden Thaw'.


ErinMc avatar
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Date Posted: 12/24/2006 6:38 AM ET
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The only one I have to put on a list is Gold Fever bu Lyn Denison. I won't post it here.

Back cover: Having rebuilt her life after a devasting detrayal,Kate has finally returned to her home town. Leading a quie,solitary life as the city librarian,she is busly preparing for a special appearance by a mysterious new author whose first novel,Godl fever has become an instant best seller. But the news that Ashley is also coming to town quickly turns Kate's careful controlled world upside down.

Anyone interested Pm me. Many Thanks

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Date Posted: 12/29/2006 9:00 AM ET
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I actually have several that I am willing to get rid of.  When I get a chance later, I will list them all!
MyLikeIt avatar
Date Posted: 12/31/2006 4:03 PM ET
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The Beverly Malibu: A Kate Delafield Mystery  by Katherine V. Forrest

The high cost of living by Marge Piercy

Murder at the Nightwood Bar (Kate Delafield Mysteries) by Katherine V. Forrest

Murder by Tradition (also a Kate Delafield Mystery) by Katherine V. Forrest

Last Edited on: 1/1/07 1:06 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 12/31/2006 8:03 PM ET
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aw man - I need the Beverly Malibu!
checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 12/31/2006 8:27 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/2/07 5:18 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
MyLikeIt avatar
Date Posted: 1/1/2007 2:12 PM ET
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Laura M. (LMM) - ,
Date Posted: 1/2/2007 12:13 AM ET
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I have Trans-Sister Radio (Vintage Contemporaries) by Chris Bohjalian.

I also have Mission Child by Maureen McHugh. It's a SF book I got for a LBGT book discussion club.

Last Edited on: 1/9/07 9:13 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 1/2/2007 5:23 AM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/21/09 4:21 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Bernie avatar
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Date Posted: 1/11/2007 11:03 AM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/12/07 6:34 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 1/15/2007 1:28 PM ET
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I have Hornito: My Lie Life by Mike Albo on my shelf right now. I'm still sorting through my other glbt books to decide what to post. If anyone is interested, I could probably be persuaded to part with the Lauren Laurano series by Sandra Scopettone.