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Topic: What do you do for P.E.?

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Ediesbeads avatar
Subject: What do you do for P.E.?
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 8:33 AM ET
Member Since: 2/23/2006
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I posted a question about physical activity on the General Discussions board and got kind of blasted.  People accused me of letting my kids watch TV all the time.  This is not the case, but we are not a very active family.  What do you do for P.E.?  I just don't enjoy being outside when the weather is less than perfect (it rarely seems perfect in Central IL) and we can't afford lots of "lessons" right now.  Any suggestions for free or inexpensive indoor physical activities?



scifimom avatar
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Date Posted: 10/23/2007 9:21 AM ET
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I have the same difficulty with weather and motivation here in New Jersey. I am trying to get better at getting together with a friend who is an active person and going on hikes with my kids. Sometimes they are less than enthused about it, but other times they have so much fun climbing trees or exploring the woods they forget about the tv for a while. I try to do this at least once a week (more is better) but other things intrude like cleaning and running errands. So get together with someone else, to motivate you and your kids to get out of the house, walking, running or just general play.


good luck!!


ladystyx avatar
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 11:21 AM ET
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For those days that we are stuck indoors....we use Video education for PE. Dance, especially Bellydance is vey popular with my 2 boys. though sweating to the oldies is garunteed to get mom a little bit of piece and Quiet at the end of the day. Yoga, Stretching, tai chi... We also use the computer.... dance dance Revolution is also a big hit. ( ddr).

Many of our videos we get thru the library off of public telivision channels or excersize channels on cable/dish. and netflix.

Ask your kids what they are into, there are videos on just about every type of style out there. we are currently looking at some on jump roping and the mini trampoline at our house to judge suitability to our situation.

hope this helps


Last Edited on: 10/23/07 11:21 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
TheSampleLady avatar
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Date Posted: 10/23/2007 11:48 AM ET
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Start a Follow the Leader parade through the house. You can do jumping jacks, toe touches, and other exercises as a game.

We always start our day with a nature walk (no matter the weather, unless it is somehow dangerous) and calesthenics combined with singing. It works to get the wiggles out before we sit down for lessons.

You can also incorporate movement into your lessons. Times tables can be reinforced with movement. Spelling can be done orally to a rhythm and body movement.

Posting pretty much anything in the CMT forum will get you blasted by someone. Posting about homeschooling dilemmas will guarantee that you will. :)

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Date Posted: 10/23/2007 1:46 PM ET
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To start the day off two days a week we have music and lots of dancing. Aways after lunch. unless its raining we go outside and play. games like Pops and flys. Lots of running there. Simon saids, whot potato, we play on the money bars and swing. This summer we played army ! We use soft sponge balls as boms, and guns that shoot foam balls. We made a leanto !

I think being outside is important. Its good for my grandson and myself.

Oh rainy days I have a glider we both use, along with Simon says and games like that.

JCCrooks avatar
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 1:47 PM ET
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Our parks & rec dept is very good (also in Central IL).  My son (9) does outdoor track in the summer, cross country in the fall, and indoor track in winter.  That is the "base" of his PE.  He also runs in all the 5K races in the area.

We are also involved in a HS co-op where he takes Karate.  This year the co-op added a PE fitness class to do the President's challenge.  It conflicted with one of DS's other classes, so he's not doing it.  We have a PE fun class for the PreK-2 set.

We go on walks, roller blade, and bike.

Oh, I guess you asked for indoor things - sorry!  We have a giant exercise ball.  I think it's 3 ft diameter.  It was initially for my DD's therapy, but DS loves to bounce on it.  We also have a very long room (67 feet) in the basement, part of which is the school room, and DS will "run laps" in it - LOL!

There is also weekly HS bowling ($1.50/game w/ shoes) and HS ice skating($2/hr w/skates) which help - especially in the winter to get the "wiggles" out.

And when all else fails, DS runs out to play with the PS kids the minute they get off their bus at 3:30!  :-)  Sledding is their favorite in winter.


thezookeeper avatar
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 3:13 PM ET
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Hi Edie! I posted to you on the other thread, you can read it there but I will put the link here for P.E. Central so everyone can check it out. I think they have a lot of good ideas!

And I understand where you're coming from. I hate getting out when it is nasty out (although nasty in CA means too stinkin' hot!)


Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 4:14 PM ET
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Tennis.  Sometimes tai chi and just outside play  We have a swimming pool that goes most of the year, it is heated, so we swim a lot.  We have a trampoline - but where I am bad is when it does rain.  I ignore PE too much then.

PaulaS avatar
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 4:48 PM ET
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We started to do a PE curriculum this year.  It quickly bombed, we just had too much on our schedule.  We ride bikes, play basketball  and have a lot of wiggle time during the day.  Ds10 also uses an exercise ball as a chair.  He is a natural wiggler.  he bounces up and down constantly, but has great abs!  He also lays over the ball and puts his reading book on the floor to read. 

I have a tai chi dvd that i want to start, but generally we do better if there isn't a set curriculum, but just a more active lifestyle. 

Sorry to hear you got blasted.  I get more exercise at home than I ever did working at my old desk job.


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Date Posted: 10/23/2007 9:16 PM ET
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We also use the mini trampolines, and do participate in swimming and bowling that the college close by offers to homeschoolers at a very reasonable price.  It HAS to be reasonable for me to go, since we have four kids! 

I also still try to get the kids outside once a day.  I have to walk the dog several times a day and it so improves my disposition!  So I think they need a good dose of the fresh air too.  It especially helps me when I am feeling down. 

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 10/23/2007 9:27 PM ET
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When I homeschooled my 8th grader, who was not a play outside kid, we went "skerplunking". This is an activity that he made up. It involves walking around a pond, stream or other small shallow waterway and taestin the ice to see if you can walk across. We only used a nature where we know how deep the water was. My son loved it and I didnt mind it too much. He love starpping on his big boots and poking the icy water with sicks, testing it with stones, etc. When it was sound he had fun walking across and sliding around.

Since we love to swim, we found a hotel that had day passes to its indoor pool and facilities. They were suprisingly affordable, 5 or 15 $ fo the whole day. We had alot of fun w/that. Ask your local hotel/motel and you just might be surprised. They might even give you a great deal. This works for outdoor swimming in the summer too.

Have Fun,
