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Topic: What are we reading Oct 14-20

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gingerkitty avatar
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Subject: What are we reading Oct 14-20
Date Posted: 10/14/2007 11:59 AM ET
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New week, new thread.  What're you reading this week?

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 10/14/2007 12:02 PM ET
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I'm onto the third book in my trilogy, The Seductive One by Susan Mallery.  This one looks to be really good, heroine goes to hero for  a loan to start her own wine label.  They were involved 10 yrs ago but it ended when she refused to leave her family and run away with him.  He's got revenge in mind because he was then sent away from his family because of the relationship.  Of course, they still have a thing for each other but he's looking for revenge on her family.

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Date Posted: 10/14/2007 12:08 PM ET
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Hi Sarah! glad you're back! :-) I spent all day y esterday sewing and visiting with some friends and got a lot done Yeah! no reading though but night shift starts tomorrow...

Mary, dangerous games is 2nd..the first is either in 'honk if you love real men' or 'real men do it better'...not sure which but its' about Raven seems like. I think the 4 alternate anthology/big hidden agendas is the 4th and the 3rd story is in the other anthology i mentioned.

ok, still getting through 'calista's men' and boy is it hot! and the 2 books I've read/reading with 2 g uys and a woman hasn't had the guys doing anything to each other except for watching and maybe 'feeling' them if they're in the woman at teh same time (which I've never tried but just don't see how there's room for,um, well anyways..some thinngs i just read the sighs and screams and except she's okey dokey with it LOL!*blush* whew..onto other stuff!

still wanna read those blaze books and have them already but was too tired thur to read after wrok/before bed and too busy friday and saturday nights, might have to swtich to something funny LOL to re-group! I've liked the jory strong stories though and think they wre worth the money for a nice story as well as the erotica..not sure about her other stuff snce she's a new author for me. came across the 'cowboy't tile in borders then when i saw it in someone's list on amazon decided to search around for the best price nd get the 3..just wish she'd keep writing with these characters.plenty left over without a mate!

mamadoodle avatar
Date Posted: 10/14/2007 12:09 PM ET
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Well I managed to read Shadow Hawk in one day and it was good!  But I tell you, I really wish Logan and Callen had their own story - that man is hot! 


CWGal avatar
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Date Posted: 10/14/2007 12:41 PM ET
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I'm reading Behind Closed Doors by Shannon bedside table book is A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (I've read it once but I wanted a refresher for Rebel Angels)....and my BBB (bubble bath book) is Back to the Bedroom by Janet Evanovich.


eeyore avatar
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Date Posted: 10/14/2007 1:58 PM ET
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I'm reading Pandora's Daughter by Iris Johansen

So far I'm Loving it!!!

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Date Posted: 10/14/2007 4:56 PM ET
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I wish Logan had his own story too..several of us were whininga bout that a few weeks ago! only so much steam you can take in one of those little books and that one had almost too much LOL! geez.that guy had been hurt bad and he still did a lot more than mine ever did when he was completely well LOL! fiction sure is nice...

MiMi-G avatar
Date Posted: 10/14/2007 5:25 PM ET
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Motleigh avatar
Date Posted: 10/14/2007 5:52 PM ET
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mamadoodle avatar
Date Posted: 10/14/2007 5:58 PM ET
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I love Sandra Hill's Viking series!   I've just started The Great Scot by Donna Kauffman and its great.  Its a contemporary and set in the Highlands of Scotland.  The hero is a modern day Laird and has the best accent I've read lately - very smooth and "melty". LOL


JENinVT avatar
Date Posted: 10/14/2007 6:20 PM ET
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I read Megan's Mark by Lora Leigh. It's part of her Feline Breeds series. I thought it was OK. I haven't read a lot of paranormals and the whole feline breed thing didn't do a lot for me. I liked her SEAL books better.

misangeles avatar
Date Posted: 10/14/2007 6:48 PM ET
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Going to finish up Notorious, and then move onto A Hunger Like No Other.

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Date Posted: 10/14/2007 8:30 PM ET
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Well I started Dangerous Games by Lora Leigh yesterday. But then I got If He Only Knew (Blaze) in the mail yesterday and I ended up reading that instead.  It was good. Not a keeper but entertaining.  So I'm picking up Dangerous Games again today.

DeeJay2 avatar
Date Posted: 10/14/2007 10:47 PM ET
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Right now I am reading Rebel Heat by Judith Steel. I found a box of books from when I moved. I should have this one finished by Wednesday no later than Thursday.

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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 1:07 AM ET
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I finally finished 'calista's men' by jory strong and it was good! wish I had those 2 not sure what to read. trying to adjust to night shift for tomorrow night but tired already and it's barely m idnight.have sewing to do but don't feel like it and reading will probably put me to sleep LOL guess it depends on what I read.

btw, does anyone know what those symbols are on the bookshelves besdie the date posted? and how do these tags work?? too much stuff showing up here Idon't know how to use!

CWGal avatar
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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 8:56 AM ET
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Susanna--The symbols on the bookshelf books (the feature is called Passport Stamps) tell you whether or not that book has been mailed anywhere and if so, where it has been. You can use the tags different ways...I have seen some that have been tagged as someone's wish or reminder list....I have also seen some that tell the genre of the book...Others just say "have"--I don't know who has it but I guess they know....I have also seen people rate the book or tell if they liked it.

Last Edited on: 10/15/07 8:58 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 10:03 AM ET
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I spent the weekend reading Unzipped, Unplugged and Unscrewed by Lois Greiman.  (That's three different books, not one title. )

They are funny mysteries with a recurring cast of secondary characters and a romance that makes progress in each book.  I enjoyed them very much and look forward to the fourth book which comes out next month, Unmanned.

Now I am going to read something by Barbara Pierce.  I have a whole stack of her books and haven't read even one.  I'm way up on the WL for the one coming out next month and I have to decide if I am going to keep getting them or not.  Has anyone read her?

Do you keep collecting books by people you haven't even read just in case you would like them? I think I need help.


But before I do anything else, I'm going for a quick read with The Billionaire Who Bought Christmas by Barbara Dunlop.

Last Edited on: 10/15/07 12:17 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 12:53 PM ET
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I am reading Wicked Fantasy by Nicole Jordan.

romanceaddict avatar
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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 2:08 PM ET
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I finished Paris or Bust! by Kate Hoffmann, Jill Shalvis and Jacqueline Diamond. It was pretty cute, but all the stories could've been a little longer... and at leat one of the three could've won the trip to paris:)

it's a freebie with an order as I found some slight water damage while I was reading it.

I'm now reading a mystery, Alpine for You by Maddy Hunter... it's cute so far.

mamadoodle avatar
Date Posted: 10/15/2007 4:57 PM ET
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I finished The Great Scot by Donna Kauffman and it was good.  I loved the hero's accent!  Now I'm reading Adventures of a Scottish Heiress by Cathy Maxwell.


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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 8:14 PM ET
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No romances for me this week.  I got in a couple of library books the past few days so I will be working on them.


THE WOODS by Harlan Coben and THE GOOD GUY by Dean Koontz




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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 9:00 PM ET
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I"m reading 'the cop' after all the raves! I have the PI but skipped it to read this one! nothing seems to be keeping my interest yet but my first night back and sorta tired. debating putting it up and reading the PI so they're ' in order' but someone said they cover the same timeframe. reminds me of nora roberts' 'stars of mithra' series she did where there were 3 stories overlapping but in 3 separate books (good series by the way!) also  have other books here with me to read as well.

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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 9:39 PM ET
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Hello everyone! I am reading The Defiant Hero by S. Brockman, very good so far. I'm so glad she was recommended to me.

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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 9:57 PM ET
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defiant hero is good Rochelle! hard to keep track of all the side stories though but one of my faves out of that series.

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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 11:58 PM ET
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This weekend I finished The Sharing Knife, Vol 1: Beguilement by Lois McMaster Bujold.  Technically fantasy, but with a full-fledged romance plot filling most of it's pages!  Very good!  Glad there's a volume 2!

Then I finished up the Bad Boys with Expensive Toys anthology which I'd been reading off and on -- pretty good, but not the best of the Bad Boys series -- and now I'm reading Sense of Evil by Kay Hooper.  I think this one's supposed to be a paranormal romantic suspense, although there's not much on the romance-o-meter yet.  I've only tried one Kay Hooper before which didn't knock my socks off, but I figured I'd give her another try.  So far it's not bad, but there's a lot of very repetitive talk!
