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Topic: For What Reasons Do People Not Accept Book Requests (whine)?

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califamily avatar
Subject: For What Reasons Do People Not Accept Book Requests (whine)?
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 10:59 AM ET
Member Since: 4/7/2009
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I have about twelve books on request right now, in various stages of processing, and I've noticed that at least three of them had their requests timed out and are now waiting for new members to confirm that they can send the book. Two more of my requested books are about to time out. The odd thing about all this is that these are not wishlisted books; they are books with many copies in the system. If I were the one posting the books, I'd be so happy to receive a request for those less-wished-for books... it makes me wonder why people would cancel or turn down a request so frequently (I have no RCs, BTW). Sorry for the whine. It's just frustrating to see the requests sit there, ignored, and then have to wait for the process to start all over again. :-(
surrealthemuse avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 11:10 AM ET
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Well it could be that they are new members who joined, posted their ten books to get the free credits, and then never came back. People who left the site without taking books off of their shelves. Someone who doesn't know how to put their account on vacation hold. I could probably think of some more, but the point is there are many reasons. I know it's frustrating, but this is how the system weeds out inactive accounts. If they ignore too many book requests their account is put on suspension, and I don't think it takes too many ignored requests for that to happen. Edit to say, if you really dislike the waiting game, I recommend frequenting the board and checking out the shelves of people you see posting often. These people are more likely to respond quickly and not ignore requests, as they are obviously active on the site.

Last Edited on: 4/23/09 11:13 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
LesleyH avatar
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Date Posted: 4/23/2009 11:15 AM ET
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Some people wait until the last possible moment to accept book requests (thus giving them more time before they have to mail them), so you could still have some orders accepted.  I had one last week that sat right up until the middle of the 5th day, then was finally accepted, and then they picked the last possible mail date, so I'm STILL waiting for that book to even be mailed to me.  It happens.  There are also inactive members who may have posted their books, lost interest in the site, and never came back, but they are weeded out when things like this happen.  If the request times out, their book is removed from their shelf, and if this happens enough times, their account will be put on hold automatically.  The system does eventually take care of inactive members, but it takes some time.  Sorry that you are experiencing this- I know how frustrating that can be, especially if these are your first experiences with the site, but the vast majority of transactions are not like this.  It will get better.  One thing you can do is order directly from buddies or people that you see in the forums, and that way you know they are active members and will more than likely at least acknowledge book requests.  Hang in there, you'll eventually get the books you want- you just have to have patience!

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Date Posted: 4/23/2009 11:19 AM ET
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It happens-I find that it happens more often with books that are heavily posted into the system. Because they can take so long to be requested that often the top person is no longer involved with PBS.  I think a lot of peopel lose interest if they join with a lot of heavily posted books that don't get requested quickly.  The timed out requests are helping to weed out some inactive accounts.

tiger-lily avatar
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Date Posted: 4/23/2009 11:56 AM ET
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Hi Amy,  

   I understand your frustration completely!  That is my pet peeve.   It has actually only happened a few times on this site, but on Swapacd, it happens alot!!!!  I know I am always pleasantly surprised when I get a request for a book that already has several copies in the system.   I am also always so pleased when a person mails the book before the date they have indicated.    Patience is such a must, and I admit I don't have alot of it!  When I want something, I want it now!  LOL  Anyway, hang it there, as others have said this is how the non-actives get weeded out.    Just rest assured there are plenty of us who maintain our accounts and do things the right way.  


califamily avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 12:29 PM ET
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I'm glad to hear that the non-active users do get tracked. At least there's some good that comes of it. ;-)
eclecticreader10 avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 2:07 PM ET
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I understand your frustration.  Right now I'm waiting for a book that went through several members before it was finally accepted.  Now it's about to go lost.  When I checked the details it shows printed and mailed on March 30 and then printed again 10 days later.   Now why would you need to reprint it if it had already been mailed?  I just want the damn book.  It's a MMPB but neither B&N or Broders  has it in stock.

Eagle avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 2:07 PM ET
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May I ask what is the maximum time I should have to wait to have a book mailed to me, if all time limits are at their max? 10 days maybe?
The  reason I ask is that I have a book 
                                                                        Requested on 4/16
                                                                        Printed on 4/21
                                                                        Will mail by 4/24
I'm getting antsy.

surrealthemuse avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 2:16 PM ET
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Well they said they would mail it tomorrow, so it should go out then, but they have an extra two days to actually mark it mailed. As for how soon it gets to you after that, not even the post office could tell you for sure.
Eagle avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 2:18 PM ET
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So that sounds like a maximum of 10 days. Ok I can deal with that.  Thanks


BookBinge avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 2:19 PM ET
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   Now why would you need to reprint it if it had already been mailed? 


I just had to do this about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I sent a book out to a member. It came back to me with no note or any type of explanation. The addressee's name and address were just crossed out. ??? I couldn't send it back out the way it was so I reprinted the label. The info. exactly matched the previous label and eventually it got to the requester. *shrug* Maybe someone had a brain fart. IDK

geejay avatar
Geri (geejay) -
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Date Posted: 4/23/2009 3:40 PM ET
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I requested a book and went through four people before someone accepted it.  As others have said I felt I was doing my part to weed out the inactive

Cindy84 avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 3:44 PM ET
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Just out of curosity how do you know how many people it goes through anyway?

ambeen avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 3:48 PM ET
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If you log in and watch the books you've requested, the date you request a book will change as it moves to a different person if the first let it time out.

3pete avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2009 6:28 PM ET
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I think its great that there are consequences for not responding and actively participating.   I am really impressed that PBS has these things in place.

The good news with these non-responders is.....our heavily posted books will forge ahead in FIFO.  So, when you post that book that has 800 copies already in the system, you can assume some of those copies belong to inactive members.  

The downer with non-responders is the "order more books" concept.  I have done this thinking I am helping the member out on postage only to have my multiple order get split up.  :(  

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 4/23/2009 6:50 PM ET
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I find it amazing that there are still non-responders out there though. Supposedly these consequences (having your account put on hold if you don't respond to a couple of requests) were put in place months ago so that by now, many of these inactive "deadwood" members should have been put on hold with their books not even available in system. At least that book is withdrawn from their shelf, which is something, I guess.

It still seems like there are a lot of the 'dead wood" out there, though...most of my PBS orders now are just wishlisted books that come available, but maybe 4 or 5 times a month I order a book that's available in system, often series books that I need the next one of. I would say at least half the time, the book ends up timing out a couple of times (no response--not a decline for some reason, or a delay in accepting til the last day--just no response) before getting a request to an active member who is willing to send it.  So, to the original poster--you are not alone! It happens all the time...I always look at it as "doing my gardening"...weeding out inactive books and members. :)


ruthy avatar
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Date Posted: 4/23/2009 8:02 PM ET
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Holding off to "order More from Sender" is a good thing to do - at least until you see if they respond.  I know some people accept and print immediately - I don't in hopes of getting more ordered.  At least that way my order doesn't get split up when it's books that I could get from  other members.  

I think there is a good supply of  "dead wood" that constantly comes through the new member door.  Lots of publicity means lots of people and that includes people who either don't know what they're getting into and don't stay or the "freebie" junkies.  The myth that is promoted is "free" books - at least that is what a lot of people translate it to - and we all know it's not free.


Shavian avatar
Date Posted: 4/25/2009 4:45 PM ET
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Liesl W. : Well it could be that they are new members who joined, posted their ten books to get the free credits, and then never came back.

Never thought of that. I guess it would be very easy to enter 10 random ISBNs and then order your two free books. Any idea how common that is? I have browsed the shelves of several flakes who had 10 books in their libraries. Very suspicious.

Last Edited on: 4/25/09 4:46 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 4/25/2009 5:02 PM ET
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I think it happens but probably not that often. I mean that's quite a bit to go through to sign up , find 10 heavily posted books to post-just to get 2 free books. But I'm sure there's been people who do that.

I think the main problem is that people hear about PBS on TV or a newspaper article. They join  they have only very common books and so their books don't requested and they lose interest.  Then they change their email address and never bother to update PBS or they just ignore the emails they get from PBS. 

Cindy84 avatar
Date Posted: 4/25/2009 5:17 PM ET
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very true.  today i got a book that was an ex library copy. Usually I don't mind,but I tried reading it, and it made me sneeze so bad, I had tears running down my face. Darn allergies. I need to put something in my requester conditions, even though I don't want too.

Susanaque avatar
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Subject: Why don't they respond??
Date Posted: 4/25/2009 10:57 PM ET
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I just discovered the Duggers book...18 kids and counting that was on my account page isn't there any more.  I checked the transaction archives and saw it went 5 days each through two different people and they both times out......ok, so I am back to waiting for it. I would like to get it before they have the 19th kid....?!

UPDATE....I got the notice again, but it has been accepted, so maybe there  is hope after all!

Last Edited on: 4/25/09 11:43 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Subject: Requests
Date Posted: 4/26/2009 6:25 AM ET
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Last year I was in the hospital and did not get to respond to a request. My membership was put on hold because of this. Next time this happens I will try to remember to use the "Vacation Hold" feature.