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Topic: What would you do? (In Regards to a damaged book)

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Subject: What would you do? (In Regards to a damaged book)
Date Posted: 10/28/2007 9:57 PM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2005
Posts: 1,363
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I received a book a week or so ago in the mail and the wrapping was damaged and the pages of the last two sections (it was a paperback cookbook) are stuck together so you can't read the recipes or use those sections.  I wrote the person that sent the book after declaring that the post office had damaged it, because another book from another person came with the same day with the packaging all torn up, in regards to the book and he said that when he sent it out, there was nothing wrong with the book.  Do you think the mail system would do something that would cause a bunch of pages to stick together or do you think he is saying that so that he doesn't have to do anything.  The last thing that he wrote in our communication back and forth, was that he didn't know what to do.  What would you do?

grendelynn avatar
Date Posted: 10/28/2007 10:03 PM ET
Member Since: 8/15/2005
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I'd give you your credit back--although, it is possible the post office screwed up, I'd want to move on with my life, and I wouldn't want to argue over 1 credit forever, but that's me. 

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Date Posted: 10/28/2007 10:09 PM ET
Member Since: 4/6/2007
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I would also give the credit back - the book is ruined - whether because of the post office, the sender, or the wrapping job, and you should get your credit back.

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Date Posted: 10/28/2007 11:54 PM ET
Member Since: 12/29/2005
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I disagree, the sender didn't damage it. And the USPS did. I received one that had been dropped in a puddle of something oily after being mailed. And I have had a couple go through the "shredder" at the PO.

While it hurts to lose a credit, I don't think the sender is at fault. If someone asked for their credit back I would probably give it just to end the transaction. But if I received a book that was USPS damage, I personally would not ask for my credit back.

Damaged by USPS transactions: A book is considered Damaged by USPS if it was damaged in transit (while in the mail).
  • This is usually just bad luck
    • Even the most well-wrapped packages can get mangled by a postal sorting machine
  • If you feel that the wrapping of the book contributed to its damage en route:
    • You can tell the sender this in a Personal Message
      • Please be gentle!  The sender may be new to bookswapping.
      • You can ask for your credit to be refunded if you believe it is warranted.
    • You can share your own tips on wrapping technique, and/or refer the sender to the Help items on wrapping a book.
    • You can also comment on the wrapping in the Comments box at the bottom of the survey portion of the Book Received page, so these details are recorded on the transaction in our records

Last Edited on: 10/28/07 11:56 PM ET - Total times edited: 1