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Topic: What would you do

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Subject: What would you do
Date Posted: 4/19/2009 2:10 AM ET
Member Since: 4/11/2009
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I listed a hardcover book but it doesn't have the dust jacket.  I got a request for it and I sent a PM to the member to let them know it doesn't have a jacket in case that was a problem.  She hasn't answered my pm and I'm wondering what I should do.  Should I just send her the book without the dust jacket or cancel the order?  It was a WL book...

honeybee23 avatar
Date Posted: 4/19/2009 2:17 AM ET
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I would wait to cancel until the last possible moment.  Some members only have internet access at work.  

It was very polite of you to PM the member, as a dust jacket is not a requirement for a book to be postable. (Unless the member has a requestor condition asking for it.)


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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 3:33 AM ET
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You didn't need to PM her about a dust jacket since they aren't required.  But you did.  I'd wait until it is about to time out and then cancel.   She didn't give you the courtesy of a reply.       I would suggest that next time, if you are going to send the PM, give them a deadline to answer.     BTW the same rules for wished and nonwished books.   There are no special considerations because a book is wishlisted.

debs avatar
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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 7:04 AM ET
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The problem here is, if you cancel and then re-post the book, since it is wishlisted it will get offered to the same person. Unless she had a requestor condition that she requires dust jackets, your book is 100% ok to send to her. 

I also agree with what everybody else said, abotu putting a deadline to answer in future PMs, if you choose to send them.

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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 7:24 AM ET
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Last Edited on: 2/3/15 8:03 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
psychobabbler avatar
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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 9:11 AM ET
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If the member does not have a RC stating they want dust jackets for HC books, then I'd send it as is w/o waiting for a response. 

Last Edited on: 4/19/09 9:12 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 10:22 AM ET
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This is exactly why I don't PM about book conditions and RCS.  Not everyone has computer access everyday.  She may have gone on vacation and had the book on autorequest.  She may only come on if she has an email from PBS sayign she has a WL offer or a bookrequest.  I know I have the "you have a new pm email option turned off. 

Send another PMing saying you are sending the book anyway.  She has no right to complain about a dust jacket since they aren't required and she had no RC requesting one.

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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 11:50 AM ET
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Why would you cancel? PBS says that hard backs do not have to have dust jackets. That might be why she's not answering because it wasn't necessary for you to PM. Or she may not be anticipating a problem and hasn't logged back on.

She didn't do anything wrong and canceling the book would be wrong in my opinion. I mean, paying her back  by canceling the book for not answering your PM??? Not a good suggestion.  I hope you don't do that.

I have a requestor condition that my hardbacks must have a dust jacket.  If it didn't mind, then my condition wouldn't be there.


honeybee23 avatar
Date Posted: 4/19/2009 11:59 AM ET
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My advice to cancel in the event the OP did not get a response from the requestor is because once she PM'd her, the requestor could choose to cancel.   If the OP sends it, she could wind up witha RWAP because she (the OP) didn't wait for the PM accepting the condition of the book. 

You are right, she didn't have to PM about the dust cover, but since she did, she should wait for the requestor's response or cancel the order. If the OP cancels the order, the requestor will stay at the top of the WL.

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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 12:19 PM ET
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I was trying to be courteous to another member.  I just joined here and don't want to send a book that someone wouldn't be happy with.  I was reading in the forum yesterday about a woman that ordered a hardback and it came without a dust jacket.  She wanted the dust jacket and it caused issue.  Just because the receiver would be in the wrong for marking it RWAP doesn't mean that I want to deal with the headache it could cause when in theory sending her a PM should alleviate any worry.

pvc avatar
Date Posted: 4/19/2009 12:34 PM ET
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As it turned out sending her a PM is now causing you worry.  Maybe you are being too courteous.  These are used books.  Unless they have Requestor Conditions (RCs) a used book is what they should expect to receive.

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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 12:42 PM ET
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I'm laughing at the thought of being "too courteous"  I think the only mistake I made was posting on the boards to get other opinions.  I'll just handle the situation myself.

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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 1:06 PM ET
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 ...she could wind up witha RWAP because she (the OP) didn't wait for the PM accepting the condition of the book...

I am curious what RWP the requester would be able to use? RWP - damaged by sender?-no its not damaged. Same for RWP-damaged by USPS. RWP-doesn't meet RCs doesn't work either because there are no RCs about DJs.

Jaclyn - I think you may have taken the tone wrong on some of the members. They are just being helpful. If you look at their join dates and the amount of posts on the forum, you will see that they've been around the site a long time and have seen some of the problem areas. PMing about the condition of a postable book often does cause bigger headaches than just sending a the book and pointing out the Help Center if someone receives it and doesn't know the rules themselves.

Its great to see knew members that are conscious about the condition of the books they send. Hope you enjoy the site!

pvc avatar
Date Posted: 4/19/2009 1:09 PM ET
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Smile.  I think you misunderstand.  You have inadvertently given a chance to cancel when your intent was to be courteous.  Now you have to deal with the possibility of cancelation.  Though it's now water under the bridge, it would have been simpler to just send it.
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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 1:19 PM ET
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My post about not sending PMS was from experience. I did that when I first joined. Then I had to do the "what do I do now" thing when someone didn't respond. I  decided I was making PBS work instead of the fun site it's intended to be. 

If you decide not to send the book and then repost it-it will go to the same person.  I would just send one last PM saying since the book meets PBS posting guidelines and you haven't heard anything that you are sending the book. 

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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 2:24 PM ET
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Sigh.  I'll agree that this feels like work now instead of the fun I envisioned and that I probably misunderstood the intent of the responses.  I suspect in the future I'll just send the book and deal with the backlash when and if there is any.  I'm sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes.  The situation just has me frustrated.

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Date Posted: 4/19/2009 2:32 PM ET
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On the off chance that someone marks a book you sent RWP for not having a dust jacket and they didn't have RCS asking for one-you don't have to give them a credit back and it won't count against you.  I had someone ding me for sending a hardcover when they requested an audiobook.  My listing was correct and I only received one credit so it was the requestor that had made the mistake. I finally got her to correct it but she insisted that she had requested an audiobook.  PBS can look at it and see that the RWP was for a dust jacket and that they had no RCS requesting one.