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Topic: What's the most amt of credits you've ever had?

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Subject: What's the most amt of credits you've ever had?
Date Posted: 9/4/2007 11:57 AM ET
Member Since: 8/23/2007
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Just curious if anyone has ever let their credits just pile up.  I have a serious book addiction and have so many unread book right now and a move coming up.  I'm proud of the fact that I have 8 credits sitting there and 16 more pending. I thought for sure I'd want to spend them as soon as I got them but I've resisted the urge.  I'm trying to have the will power to save them for WL books.  I like to listen to audio books when I walk.  So I might use a few for those but not until I listen to the ones I have and get them posted.  Now if I could only keep myself out of used books stores and off ebay.

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Date Posted: 9/4/2007 1:12 PM ET
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I've got about 74 right now.   And that's after a spree where I just ran through my wishlist authors and ordered about 11 books. :)

mamadoodle avatar
Date Posted: 9/4/2007 1:14 PM ET
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74?!  Wow.  I think the most I've ever had is 8.


Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 9/4/2007 1:30 PM ET
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I've got 84, with over 20 books out in the mail to others right now. 

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Date Posted: 9/4/2007 1:39 PM ET
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Wow I'm impressed.  I hope I have that kind of will power until we move next summer. 

Gravesh avatar
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Date Posted: 9/4/2007 8:57 PM ET
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I had 16 once, and only 9 right now.  I was thinking I would try to build up my credits this summer and then I wouldn't have to run to the PO so much in the winter when it gets cold.... not sure if its gonna happen though!

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 9/4/2007 10:58 PM ET
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I was up to 21 credits briefly.  I think I'm at about 18 now.  I'd love to build it up to more but I haven't had the time to find more books around here to post and post in the Book Bazaar to show off my shelf.  Once everything at work settles down, I hope to acquire more credits although I'm always spending them on more books!

romanceaddict avatar
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Date Posted: 9/5/2007 7:42 AM ET
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I was up to 20 at one point, but went on a shopping spree and have been below 10 ever since!

cjsmom avatar
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Date Posted: 9/5/2007 10:58 AM ET
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I am lucky to have 8-12 at one time. Right now I am OUT. Scary!!!

But I have 5 out in the mail. I am really bad at spending them as fast as I get them. I think my TBR pile is getting to big.

Oh well, I love reading!!!!!!

bridget avatar
Date Posted: 9/5/2007 12:15 PM ET
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I think I had about 65.  Then I went on a spending spree and DH joined PBS.  That knocked me down to about 45. 

I've got a goal to get to 100, mainly to have more outgoing than incoming books. 

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Date Posted: 9/7/2007 12:05 AM ET
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I have 169 credits and 9 in the mail waiting to be recorded.  200 sounds like a good goal at this time.  I emassed these credits by posting reference books from my home library that I am dismantling.  It feels real good to look at the credits and know I'll probably not need to buy a book for a very long time.  But I'm a bookaholic.  I still buy books even with that credit amount.  Nothing like holding in  your hands a brand new book hot off the presses.  Dive in and read for hours. 

Let's not even mention the 267 books in my TBR pile.




Sheila-GA avatar
Date Posted: 9/7/2007 10:33 PM ET
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I have earned 83 credits since I joined in Nov. 06---BUT have bought 106 I usually have about 10 credits available.

I buy credits if they drop to 4 or 5.

ncflyergal avatar
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Date Posted: 9/8/2007 6:15 PM ET
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FrenchProf avatar
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Date Posted: 9/9/2007 3:51 PM ET
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Right now I'm hovering around 23-24 credits.  That is a high for me.  I also like to have a surplus so I can play the swap games.  LOVE the games.

ncflyergal avatar
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Date Posted: 9/9/2007 4:34 PM ET
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I usually have around 30 or so.

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Date Posted: 9/9/2007 9:12 PM ET
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The most I've ever kept in my account is 25.  As soon as I get more than 25, I donate them to R&R for the deficit.  I love this place so much it's my little way of giving back.