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The Eclectic Pen - Winter Blue

By: Lena S. (SquirrelNutkin)   + 7 more  
Date Submitted: 12/2/2008
Words: 227

  Winter, such a long season.
As a child it gave me such glee.
I am older now and though there have been those moments of recaptured joy along the way,it now sends jolts of panic.
Oh of course there are those days. The days when all looks as Norman Rockwell intended, yes there are those. But what concerns me is the way the lovely floating flakes dance lazily down and mesmerize us. As we watch the wonder morphs into panic and discomfort. They come down faster and with more purpose. Stacking, stacking, snowbanks growing higher and higher. Will I be able to get to work tomorrow? Will he get home from work tonight? Will our child be sent home from school? Will we be separated by the snow? Winter becomes crisis mode living with yellow alerts becoming red at a moments notice. Enough food, enough heat, enough money. Panic, worry, that order and back again. Why do we live here you may ask as I've asked myself so many times before? We know no other way to live. We have been bent and burdened to be made hardy. But oh the winter it is so long, so,so long.......there is always that hope that spring will come and it will be all over, behind us once again. A wound healed, a bandage ripped quickly, the scar visible to no one.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Lena S. (SquirrelNutkin)

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Eva L. (wearetrees) - 12/2/2008 12:40 PM ET
"We have been bent and burdened to be made hardy" - so beautiful, Lena! Your heart does not hibernate during snow, though. It is so vivid and vital in this piece.
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