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Topic: Wish List book was declined because of my RC

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retiredteacher avatar
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Subject: Wish List book was declined because of my RC
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 9:57 AM ET
Member Since: 11/30/2007
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I'm upset that my WL book was declined and now cannot be found in the system. Here is the story: I checked my email and found a message from PBS telling me that my WL book was declined because of my RC request. The sender said that she didn't know why my request was showing up as a hardcover book when hers was a paperback book. My WL request was listed for a paperback book!

Here's the problem. My RC request was:If this hardcover is missing its jacket, please decline this request. Thanks.

Now, we can delete our RC when we request a book and I do when they are paperback books. But, we cannot delete our RC's for Wish List Books.  We cannot delete our RC requests from our WL requests, unfortunately. Thus, this causes problems!

This is what I did to try to solve this problem with my RC. See what you think. Will it work?

I changed my RC to this:

This book may be a Wish List request. If your book is a paperback book, that is fine. If your book is a hardcover book, then my RC request is that it has its dust jacket. Thanks.

Thanks for replying. I am just upset at losing this WL request. It is back on with its original paperback showing.


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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 10:04 AM ET
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You can take your books off autorequest and then turn the RC on just for hardcovers.

retiredteacher avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 10:14 AM ET
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Mary, Thanks for that idea. But, I am having a cornea transplant surgery next month. I will not be able to go downstairs to my computer for a month.  My son will be able to help with PBS when I can't. But, there is that possibility that he may miss a WL request. I have a few books that I have had on my list for months and don't want to lose them. I prefer to leave those on auto request.

Do you guys think that my new RC request will work with my WL requests?

annakanga avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 10:32 AM ET
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If I could suggest a wording change, even to your new RC.  The wishlist request part does not need to be in there, that's irrelevant.  You might want to say: 

"If your book is a paperback, please accept this request.  This condition applies to hardcover books only.  If your book is hardcover, please make sure it includes the dust jacket."

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Subject: Bullet it for easier reading.
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 10:36 AM ET
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Hi Connie, your RC is much better. I also recommend bulleting your message as below to make it that much easier to read.  Good luck with your eye surgery.

This book may be a Wish List request.

  • If your book is a paperback book, please send it
  • If your book is a hardcover book, please include its dust jacket

Many thanks.



ContentedReader avatar
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 10:38 AM ET
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May I suggest . . .

This RC does not apply to paperback books.

If your book is a hardcover book, my RC is if this hardcover is missing its dust jacket, please decline this request. Thanks.


Of course some people will still decline but that's the nature of RCs. Hope you have better luck next time and that your surgery goes smoothly.

To you experienced PBS'ers, is there a way to PM the person who declined and tell them PB are okay?

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Kate -
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 10:53 AM ET
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If this hardcover is missing its jacket, please decline this request. Thanks.

I bet that phrase was your problem.

This book may be a Wish List request. If your book is a paperback book, that is fine. If your book is a hardcover book, then my RC request is that it has its dust jacket. Thanks.

I like this better. I would take out the first sentence because I don't think it adds anything except length. My edit would be:

  • If I have requested a paperback book, please send it.
  • If I have requested a hardcover book, my RC request is that it has its dustjacket. Thanks!

Last Edited on: 5/28/09 10:53 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
melanied avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 11:02 AM ET
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I would also make and edit similar to Kate's that includes the "If I have requested' or something to that effect. An RC that just says "if your book is a paperback, send it" may sound like you are saying it is ok to send a paperback book even if the PBS listing says its a HC.

retiredteacher avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 11:08 AM ET
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Wow, thanks for all your replies and solutions. You guys are great!

Kate, I didn't even realize that I wrote, "If this hardcover...". I think you are so right and that is why she declined it.

With a combination of all your suggestions this is what I came up with:


This book may be a Wish List request.

* If your book is a paperback book, please accept this request.

* If your book is a hardcover book and missing its dust jacket, please decline this request.

Many thanks.

How does this sound?

tomboymom avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 11:22 AM ET
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* If your book is a paperback book, please accept this request.

Your statement makes it sound OK to send a paperback, even if you requested a HB (ie. member's copy has the correct ISBN, but wrong binding).  I'd change it toKate's statements (much clearer to me, and for me the key word is requested):

  • If I have requested a paperback book, please send it.
  • If I have requested a hardcover book, my RC request is that it has its dustjacket. Thanks!

Agree with Lisa, why mention WL?  (makes it a longer RC, the shorter the better:) Lisa's statement is very clear also.

What was the book?

meldster avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2009 3:21 PM ET
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you know what's annoying? i have some books that are hardcover and i have no idea if they orignally had a dust jacket.
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Subject: Isn't it amazing what a little RC tweaking can do?
Date Posted: 5/28/2009 3:28 PM ET
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I too debated whether to even include the Wish List statement. I like how Kate changed the wording to "If I have requested..." Much clearer, I think.

How about?:

  • If I requested a paperback book, please send it.
  • If I requested a hardcover book and your copy is missing its dust jacket, please decline this request
  • Many thanks.

    my RC request is that it has its dustjacket.

    The "my RC request is..." is redundant. The reader knows this is an RC request.

    y2pk avatar
    Date Posted: 5/28/2009 8:09 PM ET
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    The RC I use is below:

    If this book is a hardback that was published with a dust jacket, and your copy does not have the dust jacket, please decline this request.

    I worded it this way because some hardbacks don't have dust jackets. If someone isn't sure, they can simply decline. But on the other hand, a book published with a dust jacket generally obviously seems 'naked' without one.

    I suppose there's a first time for everything, but so far I haven't had any problems with books received or the RC.



    retiredteacher avatar
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    Subject: Thanks for everyone's help!
    Date Posted: 5/29/2009 2:11 AM ET
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    To update you all on my RC, I decided to write it the way Kate wrote it. It seems to make the most sense.


    fangrrl avatar
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    Date Posted: 5/29/2009 4:27 AM ET
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    Great suggestions, as usual!  As y2 mentions, not all hardcovers are published with dust jackets.

    Imelda, most books that have dustjackets are of a similar style...solid cloth type cover, often with a contrasting spine binding.  The title and author will appear on the spine, but not on the cover itself.   When dustjackets are not used, the cover itself is usually more attractive and visually appealing for buyers.  Some are identical to the softcover artwork, but printed directly onto the hardcover.